Volunteer for Cultural Centres in Manitoba
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Information about Cultural Centres in Manitoba offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Cultural Centres by selecting a specific location in Manitoba or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Cultural centers are places where people of specific ethnicity can go for cultural events, education, and various government supports. This group can overlap with Immigrants and Refugees.
The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
C400 123 Doncaster St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N2B2
The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, in keeping with our Jewish heritage and values, encourages and facilitates the creation and growth of endowment funds to enable the community to realize its potential. The Foundation maintains effective stewardship over all assets entrusted to it; distributes grants that reflect donors' wishes and community priorities; and provides leadership in the Jewish and general communities.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
The Philippine-Canadian Centre of Manitoba, Incorporated
737 Keewatin St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X3B9
The Philippine-Canadian Centre of Manitoba is a proud reminder of our ability as a community to unite, persevere and surmount challenges to move forward and achieve a common goal with determination what we see of Manitoba is also the proud legacy of today's Filipino elders to future generations of Filipino Canadians for them to keep close touch with their cultural heritage and roots.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Philippine-Canadian Centre of Manitoba, Incorporated
Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre Corporation
180 King St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B3G8
Winnipeg is a city of many cultures of which the Chinese community has always been an integral and significant part. Over the last few decades, as the number of Chinese immigrants increased, so has the need for redeveloping Winnipeg's Chinatown.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre Corporation