Volunteer for Crisis Support Groups in British Columbia
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Information about Crisis Support Groups in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Crisis Support Groups by selecting a specific location in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Crisis support groups deal with various crisis situations such as child abuse, elder abuse, and sexual assault. These groups usually have a crisis helpline phone number and offer confidential services.
211 British Columbia Services Society
330-111 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B1H4
bc211 is a nonprofit information and referral agency, and registered charity. bc211 also advocates in the community, operates educational workshops, and produces customized data products.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
· Health
· Crisis Support
· Community Services
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of 211 British Columbia Services Society
Alternate Shelter Society
2661 East Hastings St, Suite 2, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z5
Alternate Shelter Society provides residential and support services to a population of youth described as abused, homeless, at risk and behaviorally disordered.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Alternate Shelter Society
Atira Women's Resource Society
101 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A1K7
Atira Women's Resource Society (Atira) is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women through providing direct service, as well as working to increase awareness of and education around the scope and impact on our communities of men's violence against women and children.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Atira Women's Resource Society
Atira Women's Resource Society
Branch: Surrey
1- 2970 King George Blvd, White Rock, British Columbia V4P0E6
Atira Women's Resource Society (Atira) is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women through providing direct service, as well as working to increase awareness of and education around the scope and impact on our communities of men's violence against women and children.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Atira Women's Resource Society
B W S S Battered Womens Support Services Association
1424 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V5L 5G2
We contribute to the freedom and liberation of girls and women from violence and to empower our community through training and education programs.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of B W S S Battered Womens Support Services Association
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Williams Lake
369 Oliver St, Suite 200, Williams Lake, British Columbia V2G1M4
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Williams Lake
Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows
Branch: Abbotsford
2445 West Railway Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 2E3
Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows has been creating friendships since 1969. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Abbotsford, Mission, Ridge Meadows
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
930 Baker Street, Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 1A5
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook is a non-profit organization and registered charity in operation in Cranbrook since 1977.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fort St. John
9915 104th Street, Fort St John, British Columbia V1J 6B9
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fort St. John
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fraser Valley
Branch: Chilliwack
45195 Wells Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia V2R 1H6
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fraser Valley
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kamloops & Region
821 Seymour Street, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C 2H6
Big Brothers was organized in Kamloops in 1963, and in 1969, it was granted a charter and became a chapter of Big Brothers of BC. Then, in 1978, the Kamloops chapter became a society and thus incorporated under the Societies Act. It wasn't until 1984 that the Big Sisters program was incorporated and we became Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kamloops & Region
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley
201-20538 Fraser Hwy, Langley, British Columbia V3A 4R3
We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
102-1193 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia V5V3C9
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver was established in 1978. We now run our prevention-based mentoring programs in Burnaby, Delta, Surrey, New Westminster, the North Shore, Richmond, the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, with a satellite agency along the Sea-to-Sky Corridor.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
34 East 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V5T 2G5
Today, Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland is a thriving organization of over 600 volunteers, 767 girls served in 2015, 22 employees, a Board of Directors and Honourary Advisory Board, and many community supporters.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
984 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 1K7
The BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) is here for you. We are a non-profit, free, and confidential service that connects the public to grief support services within the province of BC. Whether you are looking for bereavement support groups, community events, information on BC Bereavement Day, information on how to donate or to volunteer with us you will find it here. Please call the BC Bereavement Helpline and speak with one of our caring volunteers for information on our bereavement support groups, agencies, and peer-based support.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Bereavement Helpline
Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
1175 Cook St, Suite 210, Victoria, British Columbia V8V4A1
The Victoria Child Abuse Prevention & Counselling Centre (formally the Mary Manning Centre) was founded by Mary Manning, who, together with therapist Rita Milot, began providing counselling services to child survivors of sexual abuse in 1984.
As a result of this pioneering work, thousands of people - children, youth, and families - have been helped to heal and recover from the effects of child sexual abuse. We are the only non-profit agency dedicated to serving children, youth and families who have been affected by sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
Children of the Street Society
1130 Austin Ave, Suite 208, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3K3P5
Children of the Street Society is a Provincial Society and Federal Charity dedicated to preventing the sexual exploitation and human trafficking of children and youth in British Columbia through education strategies, public awareness initiatives, and family support since 1995.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children of the Street Society
CHIMO Crisis Services
7000 Minoru Blvd, Suite 120, Richmond, British Columbia V6Y3Z5
CHIMO strengthens individuals, families and communities and connects people with needed community resources.
Keywords: Women
· Immigrants and Refugees
· Family Support
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of CHIMO Crisis Services
Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre for Greater Vancouver
763 E Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia V5T1X8
The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre for Greater Vancouver
Crisis Prevention Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC
1600 3rd Avenue, 5th floor, Prince George, British Columbia V2L3G6
Trained volunteer crisis workers provide confidential, anonymous emotional support by telephone to people in any kind of crisis or distress including those who are suicidal.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Crisis Prevention Intervention and Information Centre for Northern BC