Volunteer in Ladysmith, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 4 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Ladysmith, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Ladysmith, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Ladysmith & District Historical Society
1115 First Avenue, Unit B, Ladysmith, British Columbia
The Ladysmith and District Historical Society was incorporated as a not-for-profit society in 1999. Our mission is to promote awareness of Ladysmith's history and to help preserve its heritage.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ladysmith & District Historical Society
Ladysmith Family and Friends Society
1110 1st Avenue, Ladysmith, British Columbia
LaFF is a resource program for families and caregivers from all Ladysmith and surrounding areas with children up to the age of 6 to have a supportive, enriching, safe, and inclusive community environment where they will meet to promote the development of nurturing, healthy, and happy families.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Ladysmith Family and Friends Society
Ladysmith Little Theatre
4985 Christie Road, Ladysmith, British Columbia
Ladysmith Little Theatre is a community theatre in Ladysmith BC dedicated to providing high-quality productions. The theatre's successes - sold-out shows, community outreach and regional awards - have been achieved thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of many volunteers. All positions at the theatre are volunteer (actors, production team, administrators and board members). All volunteers receive personal training for the specific position and complimentary attendance to shows.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ladysmith Little Theatre
Reasons to Believe
386 Davis Road, Ladysmith, British Columbia
Reasons To Believe (RTB) Chapters exist to connect the ministry of RTB with communities around the world, uplifting and equipping fellow believers for productive dialogue that invites doubters and skeptics to follow Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Reasons to Believe
Volunteering in Ladysmith
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Ladysmith
(9 km): Chemainus
(9 km): Thetis Island
(20 km): Gabriola
(22 km): Nanaimo
(24 km): Lake Cowichan
(24 km): Duncan
(26 km): Salt Spring Island
(31 km): Cowichan Bay
(40 km): Mill Bay
(42 km): Mayne Island
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Ladysmith - (add profile)
Ladysmith Little TheatreLadysmith Little Theatre is a community theatre in Ladysmith BC dedicated to providing high-quality productions. The theatre's successes – sold-out shows, community outreach and regional awards – have been achieved thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of many volunteers. All positions at the theatre are volunteer (actors, production team, administrators and board members). All volunteers receive personal training for the specific position and complimentary attendance to shows.
Ladysmith & District Historical SocietyThe Ladysmith and District Historical Society was incorporated as a not-for-profit society in 1999. Our mission is to promote awareness of Ladysmith’s history and to help preserve its heritage.
Ladysmith Family and Friends SocietyLaFF is a resource program for families and caregivers from all Ladysmith and surrounding areas with children up to the age of 6 to have a supportive, enriching, safe, and inclusive community environment where they will meet to promote the development of nurturing, healthy, and happy families.
Reasons to BelieveReasons To Believe (RTB) Chapters exist to connect the ministry of RTB with communities around the world, uplifting and equipping fellow believers for productive dialogue that invites doubters and skeptics to follow Jesus Christ.
Volunteer in Ladysmith by Category
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Family Support