Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in Saskatchewan offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in Saskatchewan.
If your organization is located in Saskatchewan and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at
Regina Folk Festival Inc
101-1855 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Folk Festival Inc. (RFF) is a non-profit that throws some wonderful events throughout the year.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Regina Folk Festival Inc
Regina Food for Learning Assoc Inc
Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Food For Learning (RFFL) is a non-profit organization that has served in 31 different locations in the city in response to requests from the community.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Regina Food for Learning Assoc Inc
Regina Humane Society
Hwy #6 and Armour Rd, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Society was incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization. The current Shelter is located on Armour Road, off Highway #6 on the northern edge of the city. It has space for over 300 animals, a voluntary Board of Directors, 46 staff and over 800 active volunteers.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Regina Humane Society
Regina Little Theatre Society Inc.
1077 Angus St, Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Little Theatre is a non-profit community theatre company that engages primarily amateurs and some professionals in all aspects of production and administration.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Regina Little Theatre Society Inc.
Regina Palliative Care Inc.
4101 Dewdney Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Palliative Care Inc. (RPCI) is a non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Regina Palliative Care Inc.
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
4211 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region Home Care helps people who need supportive/palliative and acute care service to remain independent at home. Home Care encourages and supports assistance provided by the family and/or community.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region
Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc.
200b Lakeshore Dr, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Regina Symphony Orchestra plays an important role in the cultural fabric of Southern Saskatchewan. By continuing to strive for excellence in performance and by remaining relevant to its audiences, the orchestra will continue to grow and to enrich life in Southern Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc.
Regina Therapeutic Riding Association Inc
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Regina Therapeutic Riding Association is a registered, charitable organization dedicated to providing qualified instruction in specialized horseback riding lessons for children and adults with special needs in the Regina area since 1992.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Regina Therapeutic Riding Association Inc
Renaissance Gaiety Theatre
412 Main Street, Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan
The Renaissance Gaiety Theatre is a non profit organization promoting arts & culture in Gravelbourg, Sk. RGT features movies, live music, plays, rental opportunities and more!
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Renaissance Gaiety Theatre
Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Renaissance Gaiety Theatre is a non profit organization promoting arts & culture in Gravelbourg, Sk. RGT features movies, live music, plays, rental opportunities and more!
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
2310 Louise Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Abilities Council is a registered charity and operates under the authority of The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995, of Saskatchewan. It is dedicated to providing programs and services to people with disabilities in Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
Saskatchewan Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured
231-1st Ave West, Kelvington, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing psychosocial rehabilitation and recreation services for acquired brain injury survivors (ABI survivors).
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured
Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres
111 Cardinal Crescent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Established in 1968, the Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (SARC) is a non-profit association representing community-based organizations that provide residential, developmental, and employment supports/services to thousands of individuals with disabilities. SARC Members are located in every corner of this province and employ more than 2,000 people.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres
Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc.
800 Central Ave, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc. (CLC) is a producer-driven, non-profit corporation with formal status as a registered charity.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc.
Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc.
2341 Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc.(SDHHS) is a bi-lingual, bi-cultural, non-profit organization which provides a variety of support services and programs for persons with a hearing loss.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc.
Saskatchewan Intercultural Association Inc.
1702 20th St W, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
SIA is a non-profit organization that provides services for immigrants and refugees in Saskatoon. Our organization works in partnership with community and immigrant-serving agencies, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), and a wide network of private and government funders.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Intercultural Association Inc.
Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Inc
601 Spadina Cres E, Suite 701, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Jazz Festival, Inc. (SJF) was incorporated in 1992 and is owned by the Saskatoon Jazz Society. The mandate of SJF is to stage an artistically significant annual festival of jazz and related music. SJF is a nonprofit organization and registered charity.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Inc
Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company Inc
220 20th Street West, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
SNTC is dedicated to the creation, development and presentation of dynamic and innovative productions based on Aboriginal world views. Through artistic activities and programs, SNTC seeks to educate and empower the Saskatoon and greater Saskatchewan community. SNTC productions transend the borders of traditional theatre blending Aboriginal culture language and history into its narratives.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company Inc
Saskatchewan New Democratic Party
1122 Saskatchewan Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan New Democratic Party is a political party in Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan New Democratic Party
Saskatchewan Party
Box 546, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Party is a political party in Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Party
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Incorporated
Spadina Crescent, Delta Bessborough Hotel, 7th floor, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre is organization that serves the needs of Saskatchewan playwrights. SPC believes that Saskatchewan voices are an essential element of Canadian society. We believe that Theatre is one of the most powerful means of giving life to those voices. SPC provides an environment in which Saskatchewan playwrights have the means and resources to make their theatrical voices heard.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Incorporated
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
2205 Victoria Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Hall of Fame was established to honour outstanding Saskatchewan athletes, championship teams and sport builders as well as preserving the history of Saskatchewan sport.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
Saskatoon Brass Band Inc.
567 Adilman Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Brass Band has been active in Saskatchewan since 1981 when it was founded by Brian Fox and Jim Horne. Both Brian and Jim had brass banding experience from Britain, where brass bands had their origins in the early 1800's. Their mission was to introduce the fine choral sound of the British brass band to Saskatchewan brass players and audiences, and that remains part of our mandate.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Brass Band Inc.
Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation Inc.
701 Queen St, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation builds relationships and raises funds to support excellence and innovation in the work of Saskatoon City Hospital with its patients and communities that it serves.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation Inc.
Saskatoon Council on Aging, Inc
506 25th St E, Suite 301, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Council on Aging (SCOA) is a non-profit organization and a community leader in the promotion of dignity, health and independence of older adults through programs, education, services and policy advocacy.
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Council on Aging, Inc
Saskatoon Preschool Foundation Inc.
3144 Arlington Ave, John Dolan School, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Inner City Preschool Foundation was created in 1994. In 1998 the name was changed to the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation as it became evident that there were families in all parts of our city having difficulty accessing preschool education for their children due to financial constraints.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Preschool Foundation Inc.
Saskatoon Sexual Assault & Information Centre Inc.
506 - 25 Street East, Suite 201, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
We provide services to women, men and children who are survivors of sexual assault. Sexual assault can happen to individuals regardless of their gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, financial status or knowledge about abuse. Sexual assault impacts family members and friends as well as our community.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Sexual Assault & Information Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Inc.
5028 Clarence Ave S, Grasswood, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon SPCA's new positioning line Safe Shelter. Happy Home. articulates the important work the organization offers by providing protection and placement services to bring safety and happiness to companion animals. It explains that the Saskatoon SPCA's facilities are warm, welcoming places and points to the end goal of enriching people's lives with adopted pets.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Inc.
Saskatoon Sports Council
510 Cynthia Street, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Sports Council is a non-profit, volunteer directed organization incorporated under the non-profit act of the Government of Saskatchewan. We receive lottery funding through Sask Sport Inc. as an affiliate member representing and serving the local Saskatoon Sporting Community.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Sports Council
Saskatoon Zoo Society
1903 Forestry Farm Park Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Zoo Society is a non-profit environmental education organization that exists to provide educational opportunities based around the wildlife at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Saskatoon Zoo Society
Sexual Health Centre Saskatoon Inc.
115 2nd Ave North, Suite 301, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Sexual Health Centre Saskatoon (formerly Planned Parenthood Saskatoon Centre) is a youth-friendly, pro-choice charitable organization. We serve Saskatoon and the surrounding community, providing sexual health information and resources, low-cost birth control, pregnancy options counseling and support, and doctor referrals.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Sexual Health Centre Saskatoon Inc.
Sherbrooke Community Society Inc.
401 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Sherbrooke Community Centre creates a community that supports each person to live a full and abundant life. Elder-directed care is the cornerstone of our community.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Sherbrooke Community Society Inc.
Sherbrooke Foundation Inc.
401 Acadia Dr, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Governed by a Board of Directors, the Sherbrooke Foundation is the fundraising arm of Sherbrooke Community Society and Central Haven Special Care Home.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Sherbrooke Foundation Inc.
Skate Battlefords
Box 1174, N.B. Civic Center Battleford Arena, Battleford, Saskatchewan
Non-profit Skating Club supported by volunteers
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
Volunteer Profile of Skate Battlefords
Skills Canada Saskatchewan Inc
111B Robin Crescent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Skills Canada Saskatchewan is a not-for-profit Provincial Organization that promotes skilled trades and technology to young people in Saskatchewan. Skill Saskatchewan is a regional organization affiliated with the Canadian Skills Program. Each province or territory can affiliate with Skills Canada, which allows them to be involved nationally and internationally.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Skills Canada Saskatchewan Inc
Souls Harbour Rescue Mission
3535 8th Ave., Regina, Saskatchewan
Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission exists to rescue people from poverty and addiction, by offering the Gospel message through emergency help, such as food, clothing and shelter, and Life Changing Recovery Programs.
Keywords: Poverty
· Housing
· Homeless and Housing
· Children and Youth
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission
Southeast Newcomer Services
255 Spruce Drive, Room 159, Estevan, Saskatchewan
We are here to help newcomers and immigrants find the information, resources, services and people they need to make their move to Southeast Saskatchewan a success.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
Volunteer Profile of Southeast Newcomer Services
Special Olympics Saskatchewan Inc
353 Broad St, Regina, Saskatchewan
The mission of Special Olympics Saskatchewan is to provide individuals with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential through training andcompetitive sport experiences.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Special Olympics Saskatchewan Inc
Summer Solstice Festival d'ete
Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan
The Southern Saskatchewan Summer Solstice Festival Inc. (known as Summer Solstice Festival d'‚t‚) is a volunteer run non-profit organization. Each year approximately 100 local community volunteers commit more than 2,500 hours to the success of an annual festival.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Summer Solstice Festival d'ete
Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association
Swift Current, Saskatchewan
The Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association is a non-profit organization with a mandate to provide service to, and enhance the life of residents of the community and the region in the areas of agriculture, entertainment, sport and culture. We serve this mandate through the development and delivery of programs such as Frontier Days Regional Fair and CCA Rodeo, Doc's Town Heritage Village, Step Into Spring Home & Leisure Show, Ranchman's Ridin' & Recitin'
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association
The Arthritis Society La Societe D'arthrite
Branch: SK Division
110-2550 12th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Arthritis Society
The Arthritis Society Saskatchewan Division
2550 - 12th Avenue, #110, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Arthritis Society Saskatchewan Division
The Avenue Community Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity Inc.
320 21st Street West, Suite 201, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Avenue Community Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity was incorporated in 1991 as Gay & Lesbian Health Services, a non-profit agency in Saskatoon working to address health and social issues in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer (LGBT2Q) community.
Volunteer Profile of The Avenue Community Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity Inc.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan Inc
165 3rd Ave S, Suite 201, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
With respect and compassion, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan advocates for the freedom of criminalized women through the provision of programs, supports, and services. We attempt to care for and support women who are criminalized in all situations - from their arrival at a police station to their re-entry in the community. We are dedicated to supporting the efforts of these women to rejoin their children, their families, and their community.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan Inc
The Health Foundation of East Central Saskatchewan Inc
41 Betts Avenue, Yorkton, Saskatchewan
Our mission is to work in partnership with donors, the community, healthcare providers and government to raise and invest funds in capital and educational initiatives that will enhance healthcare services for our health region.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of The Health Foundation of East Central Saskatchewan Inc
The Salvation Army Correctional and Justice Services Regina
2240-13th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.
Keywords: Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of The Salvation Army Correctional and Justice Services Regina
The Salvation Army Saskatoon Temple
38 Bateman Crescent, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
To Represent and Demonstrate Christ Through: Caring Christian Fellowship, Celebrating God In Worship, Cultivating Christian Discipleship, Communicating The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Salvation Army Saskatoon Temple
The Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association Inc.
1702 20th Street W, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Since 1985, the Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association has been helping individuals and families deal with the effects of traumatic or acquired brain injury.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association Inc.
The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
110-1514 11th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan
SGS is a volunteer provincial heritage organization whose purpose is to promote and develop the study, research, and preservation of genealogy and family history. The many programs and services we offer are all designed to achieve our mission.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society
The Saskatchewan Literacy Network Inc
626 Broadway Ave, Suite 202, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Literacy Network promotes and supports literacy in Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The Saskatchewan Literacy Network Inc