Volunteer in Toronto, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 552 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Toronto, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Toronto, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
University Settlement
23 Grange Rd, Toronto, Ontario
University Settlement helps individuals and families to learn and grow by engaging them in social, cultural, recreational and educational Opportunities. Founded in 1910, University Settlement is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the people in the diverse communities we serve.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of University Settlement
Upper Canada College
200 Lonsdale Road, Toronto, Ontario
Upper Canada College was founded in 1829 and is one of North America's foremost boys' schools, offering Senior Kindergarten through university entrance and boarding for 88 students from outside of Toronto.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Upper Canada College
Urban Alliance on Race Relations
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1001, Toronto, Ontario
The Urban Alliance on Race Relations is a non-profit charitable organization that works primarily and proactively with the community, public and private sectors to provide educational programs and research, which are critical in addressing racism in society.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Urban Alliance on Race Relations
Urbanarts Community Arts Council
19 John Street, Toronto, Ontario
UrbanArts is a non-profit Community Arts Council focused on enhancing neighbourhoods by engaging youth in community development through the arts. UrbanArts initiates arts activities that bring people together in central-west Toronto and city wide. One of six local arts organizations across Toronto, UrbanArts is an incubator for local arts, with a range of programs led by professional artists in visual art, theatre, dance and music. Our mandate is to promote, engage and facilitate cultural and community development opportunities between artists, arts organizations, community members and community organizations.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Urbanarts Community Arts Council
VHA Home Healthcare
477 Mt.Pleasant Rd, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario
Founded in 1925 as the Visiting Homemakers Association, VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that offers 24/7 health care and support services to people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Our goal is to provide clients with spectacular service when, where and how they want it to support their independence.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of VHA Home Healthcare
VIBE Arts for Children and Youth
401 Richmond St West, Suite 230, Toronto, Ontario
Established in 1995, VIBE Arts is an award-winning charitable organization committed to providing children and youth in under-resourced communities with high quality community and school based arts and education. With a 20 year trajectory, VIBE Arts has become one of the most celebrated community arts organizations in Toronto.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Dance
· Children and Youth
· Art
Volunteer Profile of VIBE Arts for Children and Youth
Victim Services Program of Toronto Inc.
40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario
Victim Services Toronto provides immediate crisis response, intervention, and prevention services which are responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities affected by crime and sudden tragedies.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Victim Services Program of Toronto Inc.
Volunteer Toronto
344 Bloor Street West, Suite 404, Toronto, Ontario
As Canada's largest volunteer centre, Volunteer Toronto aims to build a caring and committed community of people who give their time towards building a healthy Toronto. The city's #1 source for volunteer opportunities, we support job seekers, high school students, newcomers, retired individuals and just about anyone looking to use their time to give back. Our Subscriber organizations represent some of Toronto's leading non-profits and span every neighbourhood from Scarborough to Etobicoke, making it easier to find a great position in your area.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Poverty
· Disabled
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Volunteer Toronto
VON Good Beginnings Parent & Infant Support Program
2150 Islington Avenue, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario
VON offers more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client's quality of life by providing them with the personal assistance and the support needed to make them comfortable in their own home. We've been doing so for more than 110 years.
Keywords: Women
· Health and Medicine
· Health
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of VON Good Beginnings Parent & Infant Support Program
Waterfront Regeneration Trust Corporation
372 Richmond St West, Suite 308, Toronto, Ontario
Stretching over 1600km along the Canadian shores of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair and the Niagara, Detroit and St. Lawrence Rivers, the Waterfront Trail connects 75 communities and over 405 parks and natural areas including wetlands, forests and beaches. Created to regenerate, celebrate and reconnect people to our Great Lake waterfronts, the Trail has become a well-loved and used recreation, fitness and green transportation amenity and a world-renowned tourism attraction.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Waterfront Regeneration Trust Corporation
WCS Canada
720 Spadina Ave, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario
WCS Canada focuses on saving the best of the wild -- rich landscapes where wildlife conservation can be achieved at a large scale -- because others don't. Governments and industry give too little attention to the effect of cumulative impacts of development and climate change on ecosystems. WCS is drawing attention to the need to secure a natural legacy for future generations. We do field research on wildlife and share our results, and we provide advice on conservation policies and planning for protected areas.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of WCS Canada
2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
Wellspring is a network of community-based support centres offering programs and services that meet the emotional, social, practical and restorative needs of people living with cancer and those who care for them. Wellspring programs are offered free of charge.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Wellspring
West Park Healthcare Centre
82 Buttonwood Ave, Toronto, Ontario
West Park provides specialized rehabilitation, complex continuing and long-term care services, helping individuals manage difficult health challenges like lung disease, diabetes, stroke, amputation and musculoskeletal issues arising from a life-changing event or illness.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of West Park Healthcare Centre
West Toronto Support Services for Senior Citizens and the Disabled
80 Ward Street, Toronto, Ontario
West Toronto Support Services is a not-for-profit organization that provides practical assistance and social support to seniors, caregivers and adults with disabilities living in our community.
Keywords: Seniors
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of West Toronto Support Services for Senior Citizens and the Disabled
Wildlands League
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 380, Toronto, Ontario
CPAWS Wildlands League is a not-for-profit charity that has been working in the public interest to protect public lands and resources in Ontario since 1968, beginning with a campaign to protect Algonquin Park from development. We have extensive knowledge of land use in Ontario and a history of working with governments (provincial, federal, Aboriginal and municipal), communities, scientists, the public and resource industries on progressive conservation initiatives.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Wildlands League
Willow Breast Cancer Support Canada
30 St. Patrick Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario
Willow Breast & Hereditary Cancer Support was founded in 1994 as a national, not-for-profit organization. Willow provides free-of-cost support, insight and information to anyone affected by breast cancer or hereditary cancer.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Willow Breast Cancer Support Canada
Woman Abuse Council of Toronto
1652 Keele Street, Suite 129, Toronto, Ontario
The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT) is a policy development and planning body that coordinates an efficient and effective approach to providing services for assaulted women and their families. The 30 person general council is made up of senior level representatives of each of the key sectors in the community response to woman abuse.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Woman Abuse Council of Toronto
Women Won't Forget December 6
Toronto, Ontario
Every year, women and men pause on Dec. 6 to reflect on violence against women in our society and remember 14 young women killed in 1989 at Montreal's l'E?cole Polytechnique just because they were female. In response to that event, in 1991, the Government of Canada officially designated Dec. 6 as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. We would like to invite you to participate in the Women Won't Forget Candlelight Vigil to mark the day and reinforce that violence against women must not be tolerated.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Women Won't Forget December 6
Women's College Hospital Foundation
76 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario
Women's College Hospital Foundation (WCHF) is proud to work with a dedicated community of passionate donors and volunteers to support Women's College Hospital as it advances health for women and revolutionizes healthcare for the benefit of everyone.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Women's College Hospital Foundation
Women's Hostels Incorporated
970 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario
Our Mission is to operate programs and services for women and children who have and are experiencing oppressions such as violence, poverty and homelessness. Nellie's is a community based feminist organization which operates within an anti-racist, anti-oppression framework. We are committed to social change through education and advocacy, to achieve social justice for all women and children.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Women's Hostels Incorporated
Volunteering in Toronto
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Toronto
(9 km): Don Mills
(9 km): East York
(13 km): Downsview
(13 km): Willowdale
(13 km): Etobicoke
(13 km): Thornhill
(13 km): North York
(16 km): Scarborough
(18 km): Woodbridge
(18 km): Vaughan
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Toronto - (add profile)
The Arthritis SocietyThe Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Canadian Breast Cancer FoundationSince 1986, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has been at the forefront of a nation-wide movement to raise awareness and mobilize action on breast cancer. Today, the Foundation is the leading organization in Canada dedicated to creating a future without breast cancer. Our investments in vital research, education and health promotion programs have led progress in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.
Free The ChildrenFree The Children is an international charity and educational partner, operating collaborative programs both domestically and internationally.
Geneva Centre for Autism - Worktopia ProgramGeneva Centre for Autism is an international leader in the development and delivery of clinical intervention services and training.
Girl Guides of CanadaGirl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, the organization of choice for girls and women, makes a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her communities.
The Peer Project-Youth Assisting YouthThe Peer Project helps at-risk and newcomer children and youth find their way, by pairing them with a youth mentor who can offer support and guidance.
ShelterBox CanadaShelterBox responds to disasters around the world, providing the emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies families need to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Ronald McDonald House Charities TorontoEstablished in 1981, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Toronto provides a 'home away from home' for seriously ill children and their families to heal better together.
Bleecker Wellesley Activity NetworkWe at the Bleecker/Wellesley Activity Network help create a happier, healthier environment for the seniors and disabled. We service a low income community in downtown Toronto, Ontario to help them reach out and break the isolation factor that is so prevelant in our present day society.
To provide our seniors with a feeling of safety, caring and independence. Our focus is to build stronger community awareness to help our most vulnerable residents to develop new friendships and get involved in outside activities making them less lonely and at less risk health and safety wise. Empowering our seniors and the physically or mentally disabled to establish relationships through community events and buddy systems so there is less isolation. Giving them the venues to become more self assured individuals and have others to reach out to break their isolation factor.
Special Olympics OntarioSpecial Olympics promotes opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and develop skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.
Volunteer in Toronto by Category
Adult Learning
Advocacy and Human Rights
Art Centres
Art Councils
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Emergency and Safety
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Mental Health
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Science and Technology
Sports and Recreation
Victim Services
Volunteer Centres