Volunteer for Justice and Legal Organizations in Toronto
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Information about Justice and Legal Organizations in Toronto offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Justice and Legal Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Groups that focus on justice and legal issues include police services, legal services, and crime prevention. It also includes mediation and restorative justice and post-offender rehabilitation.
Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy - L'institut Canadien Du Droit Et De La Politique De L'environnement
130 Spadina Ave, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario
CIELAP's mission has been to inform legislative, policy and regulatory outcomes for Sustainability at the national and provincial/territorial levels of government in Canada. The organization has done so by engaging a broad diversity and balance of stakeholder perspectives in the development of evidence-based research, recommendations, frameworks, and models that inform Canadian governments and help them proactively build a strong foundation for Sustainable Development.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview
95 Eddystone Ave, Toronto, Ontario
Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview (CMS-D) is a not-for-profit charitable organization that helps people in families, workplaces, schools and neighbourhoods understand and resolve conflict.Founded in !987, located in the Jane and finch community. We provide mediation between different parties to come to a common groud. Serving and learning in one of the most culturally diverse communities in the world, CMS-D will be a recognized leader in changing the face of conflict.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview
Justice for Children and Youth
415 Yonge Street, Suite 1203, Toronto, Ontario
Justice for Children and Youth provides select legal representation to low-income children and youth in Toronto and vicinity. We are a non-profit legal aid clinic that specializes in protecting the rights of those facing conflicts with the legal system, education, social service or mental health systems. We give summary legal advice, information and assistance to young people, parents (in education matters), professionals and community groups across Ontario.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Justice for Children and Youth
Ontario Justice Education Network - Reseau Ontarien D'education Juridique
130 Queen Street West, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ontario
OJEN is dedicated to promoting understanding, education, and dialogue to support a responsive and inclusive justice system.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Ontario Justice Education Network
Parkdale Community Legal Services Inc.
1266 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario
Parkdale Community Legal Services will work with our client community in Parkdale and Swansea, in all its diversity, to improve quality of life and enhance self reliance. We will do this by helping people avoid, prepare for and cope with their problems through a combination of professional legal representation, summary legal advice, community development, and public legal education.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Parkdale Community Legal Services Inc.
St Leonard's Society of Toronto
779 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ontario
St. Leonard's Society of Toronto is a non-religious, not-for-profit charitable organization that is dedicated to ensuring a safer community by providing programs and services to help people become responsible community members.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Family Services
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of St Leonard's Society of Toronto
Victim Services Program of Toronto Inc.
40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario
Victim Services Toronto provides immediate crisis response, intervention, and prevention services which are responsive to the needs of individuals, families and communities affected by crime and sudden tragedies.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Victim Services Program of Toronto Inc.