Volunteer in Orangeville, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 10 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Orangeville, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Orangeville, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County
25 Centennial Road, Unit 1, Orangeville, Ontario
Behind every person with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, there are hundreds of people dedicated to helping. The Alzheimer Society is the leading not-for-profit health organization working nationwide to improve the quality of life for Canadians affected by Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and advance the search for the cause and cure. We are located in every province across Canada and in over 140 local communities.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Alzheimer
Volunteer Profile of Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County
Big Brothers Association of Dufferin and District
32 First Street, Lord Dufferin Centre, Orangeville, Ontario
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dufferin & District has been creating friendships since 1972. The first local Big Brothers Agency was started that year together by Bill Bissell and Bill Parke. In 1977 the local Big Sisters Agency was started. The two agencies were merged in 1996. The agencies started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and Big Sisters with Little Sisters but have grown to include a variety of different programs including the In-School Mentoring program, Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds program, and Joining Paths.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Association of Dufferin and District
Community Living Dufferin
29 Centennial Road, Unit 10, Orangeville, Ontario
Community Living Dufferin promotes equal opportunity and respect for people who have developmental disabilities by listening to them and supporting their choices to achieve the lives they want.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Community Living Dufferin
Community Torchlight
25 Centennial Road, Unit 1, Orangeville, Ontario
Community Torchlight o/a Distress Centre Wellington-Dufferin has been serving the community for over 40 years, since 1969. Throughout our history, we have been committed to supporting people of all ages, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds when they need a safe place to turn.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Community Torchlight
Erinoakkids Centre for Treatment and Development
Branch: Orangeville
60 Century Drive, Ecole Quatre Rivieres School, Orangeville, Ontario
Since its founding in 1971, ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development has grown to become Ontario's largest Children's Treatment Centre.
Keywords: Health
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
· Autism
Volunteer Profile of Erinoakkids Centre for Treatment and Development
Family Transition Place
20 Bredin Parkway, Orangeville, Ontario
Since 1984, Family Transition Place (FTP) has been providing critical services to women and their children who have experienced abuse and unhealthy relationships. Inside FTP's doors, women find a warm and welcoming place where their safety and well-being is the most important thing in the world.
Keywords: Women
· Family Services
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Family Transition Place
Headwaters Health Care Centre
Branch: Orangville
100 Rolling Hills Drive, Orangeville, Ontario
Headwaters is a state-of-the-art hospital that opened in May 1997. It has been recognized for its design, receiving the Ontario Architectural Association design Award in 2000, and for its services, receiving the 3-M Health Care Quality Team Award in 1999 and a full three-year Accreditation in 2009. Headwaters Department of Laboratory Services was also awarded a four-year accreditation in 2009.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Headwaters Health Care Centre
Headwaters Health Care Foundation
100 Rolling Hills Dr, Orangeville, Ontario
Headwaters Health Care Foundation is the fundraising arm of Headwaters Health Care Centre. Our commitment is to help provide the best care, secure and maintain the best partners, and to ensure the best health of our community.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Headwaters Health Care Foundation
Hospice Dufferin
39 First Street, Orangeville, Ontario
Hospice Dufferin exists to support individuals and their families who are living with a life-threatening illness or bereavement in Dufferin County.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Hospice Dufferin
Orangeville and District Branch of the OSPCA
650 Riddell Road, Orangeville, Ontario
Through its province-wide network of 50 plus Communities, the Ontario SPCA is one of the largest, most responsive animal welfare organizations in the country, providing care and shelter for tens of thousands of animals every year. As a non-profit charitable organization, the Ontario SPCA is unique amongst animal welfare organizations in Ontario: the Ontario SPCA Act mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws and provides Ontario SPCA Community investigators with police powers to do so.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Orangeville and District Branch of the OSPCA
Volunteering in Orangeville
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Orangeville
(13 km): Caledon
(16 km): Erin
(29 km): Bolton
(31 km): Halton Hills
(33 km): Alliston
(33 km): Fergus
(35 km): Brampton
(35 km): Georgetown
(37 km): Elora
(37 km): Arthur
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Orangeville - (add profile)
Erinoakkids Centre for Treatment and DevelopmentSince its founding in 1971, ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development has grown to become Ontario’s largest Children’s Treatment Centre.
Hospice DufferinHospice Dufferin exists to support individuals and their families who are living with a life-threatening illness or bereavement in Dufferin County.
Community TorchlightCommunity Torchlight o/a Distress Centre Wellington-Dufferin has been serving the community for over 40 years, since 1969. Throughout our history, we have been committed to supporting people of all ages, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds when they need a safe place to turn.
Headwaters Health Care FoundationHeadwaters Health Care Foundation is the fundraising arm of Headwaters Health Care Centre. Our commitment is to help provide the best care, secure and maintain the best partners, and to ensure the best health of our community.
Orangeville and District Branch of the OSPCAThrough its province-wide network of 50 plus Communities, the Ontario SPCA is one of the largest, most responsive animal welfare organizations in the country, providing care and shelter for tens of thousands of animals every year. As a non-profit charitable organization, the Ontario SPCA is unique amongst animal welfare organizations in Ontario: the Ontario SPCA Act mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws and provides Ontario SPCA Community investigators with police powers to do so.
Family Transition PlaceSince 1984, Family Transition Place (FTP) has been providing critical services to women and their children who have experienced abuse and unhealthy relationships. Inside FTP’s doors, women find a warm and welcoming place where their safety and well-being is the most important thing in the world.
Community Living DufferinCommunity Living Dufferin promotes equal opportunity and respect for people who have developmental disabilities by listening to them and supporting their choices to achieve the lives they want.
Alzheimer Society of Dufferin CountyBehind every person with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, there are hundreds of people dedicated to helping. The Alzheimer Society is the leading not-for-profit health organization working nationwide to improve the quality of life for Canadians affected by Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and advance the search for the cause and cure. We are located in every province across Canada and in over 140 local communities.
Big Brothers Association of Dufferin and DistrictBig Brothers & Big Sisters of Dufferin & District has been creating friendships since 1972. The first local Big Brothers Agency was started that year together by Bill Bissell and Bill Parke. In 1977 the local Big Sisters Agency was started. The two agencies were merged in 1996. The agencies started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and Big Sisters with Little Sisters but have grown to include a variety of different programs including the In-School Mentoring program, Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds program, and Joining Paths.
Headwaters Health Care CentreHeadwaters is a state-of-the-art hospital that opened in May 1997. It has been recognized for its design, receiving the Ontario Architectural Association design Award in 2000, and for its services, receiving the 3-M Health Care Quality Team Award in 1999 and a full three-year Accreditation in 2009. Headwaters Department of Laboratory Services was also awarded a four-year accreditation in 2009.
Volunteer in Orangeville by Category
Children and Youth
Crisis Support
Family Services
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Hospice and Palliative Care
Mental Health
Rescue and Adoption