Volunteer in Bowmanville, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 4 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Bowmanville, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Bowmanville, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Bethesda-House of Mercy
Bowmanville, Ontario
In partnership with our community, Bethesda House provides secure Shelter, woman-centered advocacy, Outreach and other services to women, youth and children supporting them to live free from domestic abuse.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Bethesda-House of Mercy
Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington
23 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Clarington commits to delivering the highest quality volunteer-based mentoring programs to the children of Clarington.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington
Bowmanville Zoo
340 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario
The Bowmanville Zoo is Canada's Oldest Private Zoo, established in 1919. We are the original children's zoo and home to many famous Hollywood Celebrity Animal Actors.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Bowmanville Zoo
Clarington Concert Band
175 Mearns Avenue, John M. James Public School, Bowmanville, Ontario
The mission of the Clarington Concert Band is to establish, operate, maintain, equip and direct a community band in the Municipality of Clarington and further to provide for the holding of public concerts, exhibitions, festivals and educational forums in music for young musicians.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Clarington Concert Band
Volunteering in Bowmanville
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Bowmanville
(16 km): Oshawa
(22 km): Whitby
(29 km): Ajax
(31 km): Port Perry
(33 km): Port Hope
(35 km): Pickering
(41 km): Uxbridge
(42 km): Cobourg
(43 km): Highland Creek
(45 km): Stouffville
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Bowmanville - (add profile)
Bethesda-House of MercyIn partnership with our community, Bethesda House provides secure Shelter, woman-centered advocacy, Outreach and other services to women, youth and children supporting them to live free from domestic abuse.
Clarington Concert BandThe mission of the Clarington Concert Band is to establish, operate, maintain, equip and direct a community band in the Municipality of Clarington and further to provide for the holding of public concerts, exhibitions, festivals and educational forums in music for young musicians.
Big Brothers and Sisters of ClaringtonBig Brothers Big Sisters of Clarington commits to delivering the highest quality volunteer-based mentoring programs to the children of Clarington.
Bowmanville ZooThe Bowmanville Zoo is Canada's Oldest Private Zoo, established in 1919. We are the original children's zoo and home to many famous Hollywood Celebrity Animal Actors.
Volunteer in Bowmanville by Category
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Crisis Support