Volunteer in Stouffville, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 3 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Stouffville, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Stouffville, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
cbm Canada
3844 Stouffville Road, Box 800, Stouffville, Ontario
cbm Canada is a Christian, International Development Organization Focusing in People with Disabilities
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Disorders
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of cbm Canada
Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada
3967 Stouffville Road, Stouffville, Ontario
EICanada is one of seven affiliates of Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International (Emmanuel International or EI for short). EICanada is an international, interdenominational, evangelical organization that assists communities worldwide through the agency of the churches within those communities in order to meet the needs of the poor. Founded in 1975 by Rev. George Middleton as a response to the widespread suffering caused by a devastating famine in eastern Africa, EI has a proven record of commitment, care and compassion in addressing these needs.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of Canada
Stouffville-Igoma Partnership Inc.
Stouffville, Ontario
n May of 1998, a team of 13 people from several churches in Whitchurch-Stouffville under the banner of Stouffville Missionary Church travelled to Igoma, Tanzania, Africa. They built a building that they believed would one day become a medical clinic.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Stouffville-Igoma Partnership Inc.
Volunteering in Stouffville
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Stouffville
(16 km): Unionville
(16 km): Markham
(18 km): Aurora
(18 km): Oak Ridges
(18 km): Uxbridge
(20 km): Richmond Hill
(20 km): Newmarket
(22 km): Pickering
(22 km): Sharon
(22 km): Scarborough
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Stouffville - (add profile)
cbm Canadacbm Canada is a Christian, International Development Organization Focusing in People with Disabilities
Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International of CanadaEICanada is one of seven affiliates of Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation International (Emmanuel International or EI for short). EICanada is an international, interdenominational, evangelical organization that assists communities worldwide through the agency of the churches within those communities in order to meet the needs of the poor. Founded in 1975 by Rev. George Middleton as a response to the widespread suffering caused by a devastating famine in eastern Africa, EI has a proven record of commitment, care and compassion in addressing these needs.
Stouffville-Igoma Partnership Inc.n May of 1998, a team of 13 people from several churches in Whitchurch-Stouffville under the banner of Stouffville Missionary Church travelled to Igoma, Tanzania, Africa. They built a building that they believed would one day become a medical clinic.
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