Volunteer in Surrey, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 37 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Surrey, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Surrey, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
ORW Opportunities Through Rehabilitation and Work Society
17355-27A Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
ORW is a non-profit, independently funded resource base, serving organizations, business and government involved in the employment of persons with disabilities. The organization provides consultation services and collects and distributes employment related information and material. Specifically ORW seeks out new and innovative approaches to increasing the employment of people with disabilities.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of ORW Opportunities Through Rehabilitation and Work Society
Police Victim Services of British Columbia
120-12414 - 82 Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
Police Victim Services of British Columbia (PVSBC) is a non-profit association dedicated to serving the needs of police victim services programs. As the largest police victim services association in Canada, PVSBC provides leadership, support, advocacy and training to professionals working in the field of victim services. We are placing British Columbia at the forefront of victim services.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Police Victim Services of British Columbia
Save Animals Through Rescue and Adoption
12866 114 A Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
The S.A.R.A. (Save Animals through Rescue and Adoption) Society is a no-kill shelter located in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. A non-profit organization, SARA's provides surrendered dogs with a second chance in life by helping them find suitable and loving homes. SARA's strict no-kill policy provides a refuge for senior cats for a modest monthly board fee.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Save Animals Through Rescue and Adoption
SOS Children's Village BC
10688 King George Hwy, Surrey, British Columbia
We support foster children and vulnerable youth because we believe every child should belong to a family and grow with love, respect, and security. The statistics show that we as a society are failing our children. SOS BC effectively meets the needs of those vulnerable youth who are the key to our future
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of SOS Children's Village BC
6235C 136 Street, Surrey, British Columbia
SportAbility is a non-profit, volunteer driven association whose goal is to provice sporting oppertunities for athletes with a wide range of disabilities.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of SportAbility
Surrey Community Living Foundation
17687 56A Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
Surrey Association for Community Living is a non-profit organization that provides programs and support services for people with developmental disabilities and their families. With over 50 years of service the Association has strong roots in the community, including well established partnerships with the City of Surrey, Sasamat Outdoor Center and local businesses.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Community Living Foundation
Surrey Food Bank Society
10732-135 Street, Surrey, British Columbia
As a non-profit, charitable organization, the Surrey Food Bank is able to operate only due to donations of money and food. These donations come from individuals, organizations and corporations as well as various fundraising efforts, such as our Breakfast With the Bank or from third party events run by other organizations. We receive no government funding.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Food Bank Society
Surrey Hospice Society
13857 68th Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
As a volunteer based, non-profit organization rooted in the Surrey community and branching out to those in need, we provide social, emotional, and spiritual support for individuals and their loved ones as they face a life-ending experience. We provide ongoing grief support programs for children, teens and adults.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Hospice Society
Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation
13750 96th Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
At Surrey Hospital & Outpatient Centre Foundation, we raise funds to champion exceptional care for families living south of the Fraser. Formerly Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation, we recently changed our name to reflect our support for both the hospital and the Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation
Surrey Public Library
13742-72nd Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
The Library Board is responsible for the delivery of library services and programs, setting strategic priorities, developing policies, and presenting the budget to City Council.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Public Library
Surrey Women's Centre Society
10075 136A Street, Surrey, British Columbia
Surrey Women's Centre offers a wide range of Crisis, Court and Counselling services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and other forms of family violence. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to ensure that women and girls have support when they need it
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Surrey Women's Centre Society
Surrey-North Delta Meals on Wheels
13352 Old Yale Rd., Suite 233, Surrey, British Columbia
Surrey/North Delta Meals on Wheels (SNDMOW) is a volunteer community service that delivers hot, nutritious meals to recipients' homes between 11:00am and 1:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Surrey-North Delta Meals on Wheels
The Green Timbers Heritage Society
6380 - 121 St, Unit 39, Surrey, British Columbia
Green Timbers Heritage Society came into being in 1987 to develop and encourage public knowledge and awareness of forests in urban areas. We are acting as stewards for Green Timbers forest of Surrey preserving and enhancing its natural values. In 1988 and again in 1996 through referendums in the community we have stopped commercial development of areas of Green Timbers. Close alliances with our parks department in development of nature trails and a lake have made our park a jewel of Surrey.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Green Timbers Heritage Society
Vela Microboard Association of B.C.
17564 56a Ave, Suite 100, Surrey, British Columbia
We are a non-profit society that provides information and mentoring to individuals with disabilities and their trusted others to take greater control of his/her life by exploring ideas and options that can lead to customized, inclusive and creative supports and services.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Vela Microboard Association of B.C.
Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada
11473 139th St, Surrey, British Columbia
Promoting literacy in Canada and India, Reducing global poverty, Empowerment of women, Sustainable integrated rural development, Use of solar energy for clean environment
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada
Whalley & District Senior Citizens Housing Society
13333 Old Yale Road, Surrey, British Columbia
The Kinsmen Lodge is a government funded complex care home, which means our resident's accommodation fees are subsidized. We are a non profit organization with a rich and proud history of serving Elders in the Surrey community since 1975. We are located at 9650 137A Street, right across from Surrey Memorial Hospital in Surrey, BC.near shopping, the University,transit and lots of restaurants. We champion the Eden AlternativeT, a principle-based philosophy to transform institutional approaches to care into a community where life is worth living.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Whalley & District Senior Citizens Housing Society
World Servants Canada Society
14425 - 80 Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
To mobilize a global network of people to impact the world through Jesus Christ through responding to physical and spiritual needs.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of World Servants Canada Society
Volunteering in Surrey
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Surrey
(9 km): New Westminster
(13 km): Langley
(13 km): White Rock
(16 km): Port Coquitlam
(16 km): Burnaby
(16 km): Coquitlam
(18 km): Maple Ridge
(18 km): Port Moody
(22 km): Richmond
(24 km): Tsawwassen
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Surrey - (add profile)
KPU Science WorldKwantlen Polytechnic University & Science World have partnered together to host a speaker series.
Canadian Eyesight GlobalNot-for-profit Canadian registered society
Hepatitis C Global Initiatives HepCGIOur goal is to offer Help, Hope, and Answers to Millions of People Worldwide, who are infected or affected with this “Silent Killer.” We want to make a difference in their quality of life, and will devote ourselves to Public Education, Testing, and Awareness of this PANDEMIC disease.
Baobab Inclusive Empowerment SocietyBaobab Inclusive Empowerment Society is a non-profit society, located in surrey with a mandate to provide education, counseling, referrals and settlement to individuals and families with multiple barriers.
BC Cancer FoundationAt the BC Cancer Foundation our mission is to support innovative cancer research and compassionate enhancements to patient care.
Lower Mainland Down Syndrome SocietyMembers of the Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society believe that individuals with Down syndrome are capable of full participation in society and should be given the opportunity to develop their potential.
CSRBC Cocker Spaniel RescueOur volunteers network with other rescue organizations, veterinarians, animal shelters and trainers in order to ensure the health and well being of each dog entering our rescue.
SportAbilitySportAbility is a non-profit, volunteer driven association whose goal is to provice sporting oppertunities for athletes with a wide range of disabilities.
Canine Benefactors SocietyWe raise money and buy veterinary oxygen masks and give them to fire and rescue departments
Vivek Educational Foundation of CanadaPromoting literacy in Canada and India, Reducing global poverty, Empowerment of women, Sustainable integrated rural development, Use of solar energy for clean environment
Volunteer in Surrey by Category
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crime Prevention
Education and Literacy
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Rescue and Adoption
Science and Technology
Sports and Recreation
Victim Services