Volunteer in Sidney, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 9 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Sidney, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Sidney, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Angel Flight of Vancouver Island, Canada, Society
1640 Electra Boulevard, Suite 201, Sidney, British Columbia
Angel Flight of British Columbia is a charitable, non-profit organization that provides air transportation for cancer patients needing medical services at hospitals and centralized medical care facilities in Vancouver and Victoria. Our services are provided free of charge.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Angel Flight of Vancouver Island, Canada, Society
Beacon Community Association
9860 Third St, Sidney, British Columbia
Beacon Community Services is a community-based, not-for-profit agency. We provide care and support to thousands of clients on southern Vancouver Island and the outer Gulf Islands, through a wide range of programs and services - including health, children and family, training and employment, recreation, housing, and volunteer services.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Beacon Community Association
British Columbia Aviation Museum
1910 Norseman Road, Sidney, British Columbia
The BC Aviation Museum Society is dedicated to preserving aircraft and aviation artefacts. We collect, restore and display aircraft and artefacts related to the history of aviation in Canada, with emphasis on British Columbia.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Aviation Museum
Friends of the Marine Ecology Station
9835 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Marine Ecology Centre is replaced by the new Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre [SODC] which opened June 20th, 2009
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Marine Ecology Station
Raincoast Conservation Foundation
216-2506 Beacon Ave, Sidney, British Columbia
We use rigorous, peer-reviewed science and community engagement to further our conservation objectives. We call this approach `informed advocacy' and it is unique amongst conservation efforts. We investigate to understand coastal species and processes. We inform by bringing science to decision makers and communities. We inspire action to protect wildlife and their wilderness habitats.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre
9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre
Sidney Concert Society
2513 Beacon Avenue, Box 2282, Sidney, British Columbia
Our aim at the SCO is to take our audiences out of the actual and to startle their wonder. We strive to provide you with an uplifting experience. If we have stirred emotion, provided a new perspective, revealed something new, given enjoyment, enriched your life to some small degree, then I am content that we have done our job.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sidney Concert Society
The Kesho Trust
11166 Willow Road, Sidney, British Columbia
The Kesho Trust works to build community based understanding and action that strengthens the interrelationships between people and the natural environment.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Kesho Trust
The New Marine Centre Society
9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The New Marine Centre Society
Volunteering in Sidney
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Sidney
(9 km): Saanichton
(13 km): Mill Bay
(18 km): Cowichan Bay
(18 km): Pender Island
(22 km): Salt Spring Island
(26 km): Mayne Island
(26 km): Victoria
(27 km): Duncan
(37 km): Sooke
(38 km): Chemainus
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Sidney - (add profile)
Friends of the Marine Ecology StationThe Marine Ecology Centre is replaced by the new Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre [SODC] which opened June 20th, 2009
The New Marine Centre SocietyThe Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
The Kesho TrustThe Kesho Trust works to build community based understanding and action that strengthens the interrelationships between people and the natural environment.
Sidney Concert SocietyOur aim at the SCO is to take our audiences out of the actual and to startle their wonder. We strive to provide you with an uplifting experience. If we have stirred emotion, provided a new perspective, revealed something new, given enjoyment, enriched your life to some small degree, then I am content that we have done our job.
Shaw Ocean Discovery CentreThe Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
Raincoast Conservation FoundationWe use rigorous, peer-reviewed science and community engagement to further our conservation objectives. We call this approach ‘informed advocacy’ and it is unique amongst conservation efforts. We investigate to understand coastal species and processes. We inform by bringing science to decision makers and communities. We inspire action to protect wildlife and their wilderness habitats.
British Columbia Aviation MuseumThe BC Aviation Museum Society is dedicated to preserving aircraft and aviation artefacts. We collect, restore and display aircraft and artefacts related to the history of aviation in Canada, with emphasis on British Columbia.
Beacon Community AssociationBeacon Community Services is a community-based, not-for-profit agency. We provide care and support to thousands of clients on southern Vancouver Island and the outer Gulf Islands, through a wide range of programs and services – including health, children and family, training and employment, recreation, housing, and volunteer services.
Angel Flight of Vancouver Island, Canada, SocietyAngel Flight of British Columbia is a charitable, non-profit organization that provides air transportation for cancer patients needing medical services at hospitals and centralized medical care facilities in Vancouver and Victoria. Our services are provided free of charge.
Volunteer in Sidney by Category
Arts and Culture
Community Services
Education and Literacy
Family Services
Health and Medicine
Museums and Archives
Science and Technology