Volunteer in Taber, Alberta
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Information about volunteering and helping the 3 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Taber, Alberta. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Taber, other locations in Alberta, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Friends of Taber Literacy Association
5011 49th Avenue, Taber, Alberta
Taber & District Community Adult Learning is a community based association that provides access to programs, courses and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as Second Language.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Friends of Taber Literacy Association
Taber & District Community Adult Learning Association
5011- 49 Avenue, Box 12, Provincial Building, Taber, Alberta
Taber & District Community Adult Learning is a community based association that provides access to programs, courses and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as Second Language.
Keywords: Employment and Careers
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Taber & District Community Adult Learning Association
Taber and District Health Foundation
4326 50 Avenue, Taber, Alberta
The Mission of Taber & District Health Foundation is to give the community an opportunity to participate in raising funds which provides financial support for the best possible healthcare in a positive, healing, compassionate environment for the Taber Health Centre. The Foundation will ensure that all funds received are managed prudently and that all funds are dispersed in keeping with the wishes of the donor.
Keywords: Health
Volunteer Profile of Taber and District Health Foundation
Volunteering in Taber
Volunteering in Alberta
Locations near Taber
(50 km): Lethbridge
(78 km): Carmangay
(89 km): Brooks
(103 km): Redcliff
(105 km): Vulcan
(109 km): Medicine Hat
(133 km): Pincher Creek
(151 km): High River
(166 km): Okotoks
(166 km): Strathmore
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Taber - (add profile)
Taber and District Health FoundationThe Mission of Taber & District Health Foundation is to give the community an opportunity to participate in raising funds which provides financial support for the best possible healthcare in a positive, healing, compassionate environment for the Taber Health Centre. The Foundation will ensure that all funds received are managed prudently and that all funds are dispersed in keeping with the wishes of the donor.
Taber & District Community Adult Learning AssociationTaber & District Community Adult Learning is a community based association that provides access to programs, courses and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as Second Language.
Friends of Taber Literacy AssociationTaber & District Community Adult Learning is a community based association that provides access to programs, courses and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as Second Language.
Volunteer in Taber by Category
Adult Learning
Education and Literacy
Employment and Careers