Volunteer in Medicine Hat, Alberta
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Information about volunteering and helping the 8 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Medicine Hat, Alberta. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Medicine Hat, other locations in Alberta, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Alan Joys Memorial Fund Society
1- 749 14th St SW, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Alan Joys Memorial Fund Society is a private charitable society that loans out various types of medical equipment
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Alan Joys Memorial Fund Society
Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and District
665 Kingsway Ave Se, Suite 201, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters Medicine Hat & District has the following Strategic Plan in place to better serve our community. \r\n\r\nIncluded are the organization's vision, mission, and prioritized goals and strategies that will guide Big Brothers Big Sisters Medicine Hat & District through the years 2012-2015.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and District
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief
675 3rd Street SE, Suite 1, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief (Canadian Humanitarian) is a non-religious, non-political, registered Canadian Charity (#87302 9102 RR0001). We are dedicated to assisting disadvantaged children, their families and communities break free from the cycle of poverty.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief
Medicine Hat SPCA
55 Southwest Drive SW, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Through its province-wide network of 50 plus Communities, the Ontario SPCA is one of the largest, most responsive animal welfare organizations in the country, providing care and shelter for tens of thousands of animals every year. As a non-profit charitable organization, the Ontario SPCA is unique amongst animal welfare organizations in Ontario: the Ontario SPCA Act mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws and provides Ontario SPCA Community investigators with police powers to do so.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Medicine Hat SPCA
Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society
Medicine Hat, Alberta
The Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society is a non-profit board run agency. Our services are available at no cost and we serve Medicine Hat and surrounding area.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society
Prairie Gleaners Society
112 1 St SW, Medicine Hat, Alberta
We are a non-profit registered charity (charitable # 85950 4524 RR0001), existing to support Christian Missions and Aid organizations in the world.
Ever aware of the overabundance of resources within our nation of Canada, the Prairie Gleaners Society exists to help support resource poor communities through the processing and packaging of food, materials and supplies that have been gleaned (TO GLEAN MEANS TO PICK UP AND GATHER THAT WHICH IS LEFT).
Working in partnership with established mission and aid organizations, the produce and materials will be transported to different parts of the world, as well as within Canada, and distributed by established relief and development programs for the homeless and hungry.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Prairie Gleaners Society
SEAWA South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
721-97 Carry Drive SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta
SEAWA brings together diverse partners to plan and facilitate the sustainable use of the South Saskatchewan River Watershed for present and future needs.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of SEAWA South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
The Unisphere Global Resource Centre Society
101 6 St SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Primarily we strive to increase public awareness of the links between Canadians and people in other parts of the world. We welcome others, whether from here in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, or from around the world. Together, we learn about life in other nations, and offer opportunities for Albertans to have a positive impact overseas. We do not employ any paid staff. We are not affiliated with any other organization, church or agency, but encourage the open exchange of information and resources among these groups.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of The Unisphere Global Resource Centre Society
Volunteering in Medicine Hat
Volunteering in Alberta
Locations near Medicine Hat
(13 km): Redcliff
(105 km): Brooks
(109 km): Taber
(159 km): Lethbridge
(174 km): Carmangay
(189 km): Vulcan
(214 km): Drumheller
(223 km): Strathmore
(235 km): High River
(242 km): Pincher Creek
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Medicine Hat - (add profile)
SEAWA South East Alberta Watershed AllianceSEAWA brings together diverse partners to plan and facilitate the sustainable use of the South Saskatchewan River Watershed for present and future needs.
Prairie Gleaners SocietyWe are a non-profit registered charity (charitable # 85950 4524 RR0001), existing to support Christian Missions and Aid organizations in the world.
Ever aware of the overabundance of resources within our nation of Canada, the Prairie Gleaners Society exists to help support resource poor communities through the processing and packaging of food, materials and supplies that have been gleaned (TO GLEAN MEANS TO PICK UP AND GATHER THAT WHICH IS LEFT).
Working in partnership with established mission and aid organizations, the produce and materials will be transported to different parts of the world, as well as within Canada, and distributed by established relief and development programs for the homeless and hungry.
Medicine Hat Women's Shelter SocietyThe Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society is a non-profit board run agency. Our services are available at no cost and we serve Medicine Hat and surrounding area.
The Unisphere Global Resource Centre SocietyPrimarily we strive to increase public awareness of the links between Canadians and people in other parts of the world. We welcome others, whether from here in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, or from around the world. Together, we learn about life in other nations, and offer opportunities for Albertans to have a positive impact overseas. We do not employ any paid staff. We are not affiliated with any other organization, church or agency, but encourage the open exchange of information and resources among these groups.
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International ReliefCanadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief (Canadian Humanitarian) is a non-religious, non-political, registered Canadian Charity (#87302 9102 RR0001). We are dedicated to assisting disadvantaged children, their families and communities break free from the cycle of poverty.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and DistrictBig Brothers Big Sisters Medicine Hat & District has the following Strategic Plan in place to better serve our community.
Medicine Hat SPCAThrough its province-wide network of 50 plus Communities, the Ontario SPCA is one of the largest, most responsive animal welfare organizations in the country, providing care and shelter for tens of thousands of animals every year. As a non-profit charitable organization, the Ontario SPCA is unique amongst animal welfare organizations in Ontario: the Ontario SPCA Act mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws and provides Ontario SPCA Community investigators with police powers to do so.
Alan Joys Memorial Fund SocietyAlan Joys Memorial Fund Society is a private charitable society that loans out various types of medical equipment
Volunteer in Medicine Hat by Category
Children and Youth
Crisis Support
Health and Medicine
Hospice and Palliative Care
Rescue and Adoption