Students are introduced to ocean physics, marine chemistry, and marine biology. They learn about the physical properties and dynamics of the oceans such as global circulation and the composition of seawater. They also investigate the basic laws of fluid dynamics and apply them to atmospheric motion. Wave types are taught such as surface and internal gravity waves, and concepts like group velocity and wave refraction are used to investigate them. Marine geology and geophysical studies include plate tectonics, heat flow, gravity, and the patterns and of sediment transport and deposition.
Advanced marine chemistry studies include exploring the interrelationships between living organisms in the sea and the ocean environment. Other topics include chemical tracers, radiochemical dating methods, stable isotope studies, and chemical models of sea water. The geochemistry of aquatic environments is also studied. Students learn about the physical chemistry of natural waters, kinetics of geochemical reactions, the hydrologic cycle, the carbonate system, redox reactions, and weathering.
Analytical methods used in marine chemistry are studied through both theoretical and laboratory studies. This includes gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, stable isotope measurement, and radiochemical methods.
Advanced biological processes are introduced in the context of the physic al and chemical oceanography. Students study the constituents of sea water, the controls on its chemical composition, nutrient cycling, gas exchange, and the influence of the oceans on atmospheric chemistry. Ecology of various marine environments such as benthic, polar, and surface-water ecology are studied as well, where students learn about the physiological adaptations to their environments. Fisheries oceanography is an important field of study, where students learn about the influences on ecology of marine fish. They study population dynamics, reproduction, and current fisheries management practices.
Field work consists of day trips in local marine waters and hands-on laboratory investigation.