Music Therapy Graduate Admission Requirements in Canada
Prequisites and other requirements to become accepted to a Canadian university graduate and/or postgraduate degree program in Music Therapy.
| University Programs in Canada | Music Therapy |
Prerequisites for Graduate Studies in Music Therapy |
Concordia University offers a graduate certificate in music therapy. To be admitted, students must have an undergraduate degree with at least a B- average. They must also submit a video portfolio. Previous work or volunteer experience in a clinical, rehabilitative, therapeutic, or educational setting is an asset.
Concordia University and Wildred Laurier University both offer Master's programs in music therapy. To be admitted, students must have an undergraduate degree in music therapy, with at least a B average, as well as a recognized completed internship. Those with a graduate certificate in music therapy will also be admitted to the Master's program.
Study and Work in Music Therapy in Canada
Study Music Therapy in Canada What is Music Therapy? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Music Therapy degrees.
Music Therapy Admission Requirements The prequisites required to become accepted to an undergraduate program in Music Therapy.
What Music Therapy Students Learn Topics, concepts and subjects covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Music Therapy.
Research in Music Therapy Research areas, topics, interests and projects in Music Therapy.
Career and Employment Opportunities in Music Therapy Professions or occupations available to graduates in Music Therapy along with relevant links to employment resources.