Canada History University ProgramsBrowse through the list of Canadian History bachelor, masters, and doctorate courses, programs and degrees offered by universities in Canada.
What is History?History, most simply, is the study of the past. However, it is also the history of history, historiography, the way in which we interpret that past. One of the most important lessons that history majors come away with is that the choices we make in the facts we present alter human interpretations of the past, the present and the future. As in philosophy, it is impossible to find absolute truth in history.
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Study and Work in History in Canada
History Admission Requirements The prequisites required to become accepted in an undergraduate program in History.
What History Students Learn Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying History.
Career and Employment Opportunities in History Professions or occupations available to graduates in History and links to employment resources.
About History As mentioned above, history is closely related to classics and ancient history, but also has ties to linguistics, education, archaeology, ethnology, women’s studies, political science, labour studies, curatorial and museum studies, library science and multicultural studies. It can lead graduates to work in museums, government departments and other areas where the application of researching and critical thinking skills is important.