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Career Opportunities in Aerospace Engineering in Canada

Career and employment opportunities for Canadian university students graduating in Aerospace Engineering.

| University Programs in Canada | Aerospace Engineering |

Employment Resources and Professions Available to Aerospace Engineering Graduates

People with an aerospace engineering degree often work for private companies that specialize in aerospace parts technologies, such as Pratt and Whitney, Bell Helicopter, CAE Electronics, and Bombardier Aerospace. They have positions such as consulting engineers, aircraft designers, and manufacturing plant managers. They can also work in the airline industry.

Due to the trickle down effect, aerospace engineers are now working in non-traditional industries such as the motor vehicle industry. Here, they are using their knowledge of lightweight materials and fluid mechanics to design lighter and more aerodynamic cars for the public.

Aerospace engineers can also work for government agencies such as the Canadian Space Agency. Here, they design and improve on current spacecraft technologies.

Study and Work in Aerospace Engineering in Canada

Study Aerospace Engineering in Canada
What is Aerospace Engineering? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Aerospace Engineering degrees.

Aerospace Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a undergraduate program in Aerospace Engineering.

Graduate Aerospace Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Aerospace Engineering.

What Aerospace Engineering Students Learn
Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Aerospace Engineering.

Research in Aerospace Engineering
Research areas, topics, interests and projects in Aerospace Engineering.

Aerospace Engineering Programs in Canada

Canada Canada

Greater Toronto Area Greater Toronto Area

Manitoba Manitoba

Ontario Ontario

Quebec Quebec

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