November 1, 2005 Source: University of Toronto: University to host 2005 Canadian Space Summit Conference showcases leaders in space research and exploration Nov 1/05 by Elizabeth Raymer (about) (email) The University of Toronto will host the 2005 Canadian Space Summit, to take place at the St. George campus on Friday, Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 12. On Friday a free public event, Careers in Space, takes place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Earth Science Auditorium, 33 Willcocks St. This event will showcase engineers, professors, industry members, journalists and scientists contributing to Canada’s growing leadership in space research and exploration. Speakers will include Daniel Faber, Canadian Space Society board member and designer of orbital hotels; Cordell Grant, nanosatellite engineer at the U of T Institute for Aerospace Studies; and University of Guelph environmental biologist Michael Dixon, who leads Tomatosphere, a youth program which sends plants into space. Keynote speaker and former Canadian astronaut Ken Money will open Saturday’s series of talks and workshops, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at University College, 15 King’s College Circle. A renowned physiologist, professor, space shuttle co-investigator and NASA consultant, Money will share his knowledge on crew health in long-duration space missions. Morning talks will focus on challenges to Canada in space exploration, including our lack of space infrastructure and public awareness. As well, networking sessions will be hosted by leaders of space interest groups from across the country on the direction of Canadian space activities and public education, with a special session on near-future suborbital holidays. The day will conclude with an international video conference call with national student space groups in the United States and the United Kingdom. The 2005 Canadian Space Summit is co-ordinated by the Canadian Space Society and hosted by the University of Toronto’s Astronomy and Space Exploration Society. Contact: Justin Trottier, External Director and Space Summit Chair, Canadian Space Society, 416-402-8856 e-mail: