Volunteer for Religious Organizations in Burnaby
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Information about Religious Organizations in Burnaby offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Religious Organizations from other locations in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Religious organizations are widespread, encompassing poverty, community services, and seniors. This includes groups that, in addition to providing services for the poor, elderly, disadvantaged, etc, also perform religious services.
Fair Haven United Church Homes
Branch: Burnaby Office
7557 Sussex Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
The Fair Haven United Church Homes is a non-profit organization which was founded over 60 years ago to provide low-cost housing for seniors.
Today, Fair Haven provides residential care and affordable housing to more than 350 seniors in Burnaby and Vancouver. Fair Haven, a faith-based organization, is recognized as a leader in residential care and services for seniors.
Keywords: Seniors
· Religion
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Fair Haven United Church Homes
The Salvation Army BC Division
103 - 3833 Henning Dr, Burnaby, British Columbia
As the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in Canada, The Salvation Army provides direct, compassionate, hands-on service to more than 1.8 million people across the country each year
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of The Salvation Army BC Division
Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia
6900 Halifax Street, Burnaby, British Columbia
The province of British Columbia is referred to as "Supernatural British Columbia" and here, in this place of scenic beauty, many cultures and ethnic groups have come to live together in harmony, peace, cross-cultural understanding, and love.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia