Volunteer for Poverty Organizations in Brampton
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Information about Poverty Organizations in Brampton offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Poverty Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Non-profit groups that focus on poverty usually provide services for the poor (eg. shelters), or gather materials for distribution (eg. blankets, food, medical supplies). This can be on a domestic or international level. Some religious organizations focus on international poverty and are subcategorized as such.
67 Craigleigh Crescent, Brampton, Ontario
GRA€IAS is dedicated to working with a humanitarian institution, Integraci˘n Juvenil, in the Dominican Republic, to assist them with educating, feeding, housing and caring for poverty stricken children and their families.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Gracias
Hopelink International Corp.
6- 295 Queen Street East, Suite 475, Brampton, Ontario
HopeLink International is a non-profit, Christian, humanitarian agency whose MISSION STATEMENT reads:
"To focus our energy and resources in meeting the crying needs of the world's children suffering from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, abuse, disease and despair."
Keywords: Poverty
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Hopelink International Corp.
Jamaica Visionaries Association
33 Jay Street, Brampton, Ontario
The Jamaica Visionaries Association Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 by a group of Jamaicans, with the guidance of God our mandate is to assist the people of Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands to improve health care & education by providing the necessary equipment and supplies, and to implement self-help programs to the willing.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Jamaica Visionaries Association
Knights Table
116 Kennedy Road South, Unit #6, Brampton, Ontario
For over 20 years the Knights Table has served the needs of people dealing with issues of poverty and homelessness in the Peel Region. Driven by client needs, the Knights Table is supported by a staff of 5 along with over 1,500 volunteers who are committed to assisting people who come through our doors.
Keywords: Poverty
· Hunger
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Knights Table
Regeneration Outreach Community
1 Wexford Rd, Unit 9, Brampton, Ontario
Regeneration Outreach Community cares for the homeless and those at risk of being homeless. We believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day - We served over 33,500 breakfasts in 2013. Breakfast at Regen is more than just a meal. Our guests are able to build a sense of community and access a number of social services such as clothing, nursing care, clinical foot care, personal hygiene kits, and so much more.
Keywords: Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Regeneration Outreach Community
Rodel Naval Care Outreach
19 Sal Circle, Brampton, Ontario
RoNACO appreciate the dedication, love, compassion and hard work of all our volunteers. They provide practical assistance, counselling and spiritual guidance. In pairs, they visit our AIDS clients and their families in hospital or their homes twice a week for about two hours each visit. Small gestures done in love have a big impact on discouraged hearts!
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Rodel Naval Care Outreach