Volunteer in Winkler, Manitoba
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Information about volunteering and helping the 3 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Winkler, Manitoba. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Winkler, other locations in Manitoba, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Childrens Camps International Inc
571 Main St, Suite 300, Winkler, Manitoba
Children's Camps International is an evangelical, non-denominational organization that has been promoting the dynamic work of children's camping ministry since 2003.
CCI has its roots in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India but its influence is quickly spreading across Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania.
Keywords: Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of Childrens Camps International Inc
South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc. - Genesis House
Box 389, Winkler, Manitoba
The South Central Committee on Family Violence, Inc. Exists so There Will Be: Empowerment for women and children to connect to their personal power, Resources for women in abusive situations, Assistance in reaching goals, Safety for women and children in facility and protection planning, Education to the community to decrease the incidence of abuse, Support for women and children 24 hours, a day, 7 days a week to help them make informed choices
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc. - Genesis House
Winkler Senior Centre
394 6th Street, Winkler, Manitoba
That the SENIOR CENTRE shall be a focal point in Winkler and surrounding district providing opportunities for persons 55 plus to experience a positive and dignified retirement lifestyle in their community.
Keywords: Seniors
Volunteer Profile of Winkler Senior Centre
Volunteering in Winkler
Volunteering in Manitoba
Locations near Winkler
(13 km): Morden
(29 km): Altona
(77 km): Glenlea
(82 km): St. Adolphe
(92 km): Portage La Prairie
(98 km): Winnipeg
(98 km): Steinbach
(112 km): Dugald
(116 km): Stonewall
(132 km): Selkirk
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Winkler - (add profile)
Winkler Senior CentreThat the SENIOR CENTRE shall be a focal point in Winkler and surrounding district providing opportunities for persons 55 plus to experience a positive and dignified retirement lifestyle in their community.
Childrens Camps International IncChildren's Camps International is an evangelical, non-denominational organization that has been promoting the dynamic work of children's camping ministry since 2003.
CCI has its roots in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India but its influence is quickly spreading across Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania.
South Central Committee on Family Violence Inc. - Genesis HouseThe South Central Committee on Family Violence, Inc. Exists so There Will Be: Empowerment for women and children to connect to their personal power, Resources for women in abusive situations, Assistance in reaching goals, Safety for women and children in facility and protection planning, Education to the community to decrease the incidence of abuse, Support for women and children 24 hours, a day, 7 days a week to help them make informed choices
Volunteer in Winkler by Category
Children and Youth