Volunteer for Family Support Organizations in North York
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Information about Family Support Organizations in North York offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Family Support Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Family support organizations deal specifically with family resource centers for military families. This includes orientation for new cities, services available for short- and medium-term stays, and integration into the community for long-term stays.
1057 Steeles Ave. West, Box 702, North York, Ontario
We are AboutFace and we're here for anyone and everyone living with a facial difference. That includes those affected directly or indirectly. And whether it's been with you from birth or is an acquired difference, we know the circumstances you face will be unique.
Keywords: Family Support
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of AboutFace
The Toronto Military Family Resource Centre
5 Yukon Lane, North York, Ontario
The military community established the Toronto Military Family Resource Centre (TMFRC) in 1992 to foster the unique strength of families within the military. We are a non-profit, volunteer-led and supported organization. In 1999, the TMFRC offered full-time child care through our Children's Playgarden child care centre - a much-needed service for both military and civilian families.
Keywords: Military
· Family Support
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto Military Family Resource Centre