Volunteer in Courtenay, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 13 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Courtenay, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Courtenay, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
4R's Education Centre Soc.
581 Mcphee Ave, Courtenay, British Columbia
4R's was registered in 1993 as a non-profit charitable organization (Charitable Registration Number: BN 89887 0530 RR0001) comprising qualified, experienced teachers, concerned parents, and supporters.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of 4R's Education Centre Soc.
Comox Valley Art Gallery
580 Duncan Ave, Suite 100, Courtenay, British Columbia
The Comox Valley Art Gallery is a public art gallery featuring contemporary, experimental and applied art by regional, national and international artists presenting contemporary art issues and practices.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Comox Valley Art Gallery
Comox Valley Children's Choir
Branch: Nova Voce Choral Society
2425 C Rosewall Crescent, Courtenay, British Columbia
The Comox Valley Children's Choir is a registered non-profit society (Nova Voce Choral Society) that has been in existence since the late 1990's. The choir was founded by Carol Anne Parkinson, later taken over by Wendy Dyck, and now rests in the hands of Sophie Simard. We have a parent board that is integral to all our operations, and we strive to offer children a fun (non-competitive) and supportive environment in which to learn choral music and culture.
Keywords: Music
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Comox Valley Children's Choir
Comox Valley Community Arts Council
580 Duncan Avenue, Suite 202, Courtenay, British Columbia
The Comox Valley Community Arts Council works to facilitate, activate and advocate on behalf of arts and culture in our community. Through our involvement in a wide variety of activities, we pro-actively support the cultural creators and workers of the Comox Valley.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Comox Valley Community Arts Council
Comox Valley Land Trust
2356 Rosewall Crescent, Courtenay, British Columbia
Our vision is to protect and restore ecosystems through voluntary conservation and advocating for defined recreational trail and biodiversity linkages between parks and environmentally sensitive areas creating a network of protection throughout the region.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Comox Valley Land Trust
Healthy Aboriginal Network
3240 Comox Road, Courtenay, British Columbia
The Healthy Aboriginal Network is a registered non-profit Society, incorporated in the Province of British Columbia since 2005. Our mandate is the non-profit promotion of health, literacy & wellness through the production of visual resources for youth.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Healthy Aboriginal Network
Lush Valley Food Action Society
1126F Piercy Avenue, Courtenay, British Columbia
LUSH Valley is a charitable, non-profit organization focusing on food security.
We support food-related projects to educate and empower the people of the Comox Valley towards personal wellness, community health, and environmental stewardship.
We support local, sustainable food production at home and on the farm.
LUSH = Let Us Share the Harvest
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Lush Valley Food Action Society
Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society
6817 Headquarters Road, Courtenay, British Columbia
We are a non-political organization. Our energy is totally directed towards rehabilitation and education, and the funding of those endeavours. We abide by all governing laws and regulations under which we operate. MARS holds permits from federal and provincial governments that allow us to rescue, keep in captivity and care for wildlife.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society
North Island Festival of Performing Arts
P.O. Box 3193, Courtenay, British Columbia
We are a non-profit society dedicated to providing an annual festival for students of the Comox Valley and surrounding communities to perform before audiences and adjudicators.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of North Island Festival of Performing Arts
Research with Respect
2250 Clark Road, Courtenay, British Columbia
Research with Respect provides Information, Support and Advocacy for Phase 1 Cancer Clinical Trial Volunteers.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Research with Respect
Sid Williams Theatre Society
442 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, British Columbia
The Sid Williams Theatre Society operates the theatre for the benefit of all residents of the Comox Valley. We strive to be inclusive and accessible for all. We offer subsidized rates for non-profit renters, a ticket program for those without access to cultural events, and a bursary fund for graduating students to continue their education in the performing arts.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sid Williams Theatre Society
The Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society
Courtenay, British Columbia
The mission of CVTRS is to provide a therapeutic riding program for physically, mentally and emotionally challenged children and adults, as well as hearing and visually impaired. It is a direct service to people and has significant long term benefits. Therapeutic riding is educational, therapeutic and research oriented.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society
The Stathcona Wilderness Institute Society
Courtenay, British Columbia
The Strathcona Wilderness Institute Society was founded to promote sensitive and enjoyable use of the remote and natural Strathcona Provincial Park, which is located in the centre of Vancouver Island, on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Stathcona Wilderness Institute Society
Volunteering in Courtenay
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Courtenay
(9 km): Comox
(13 km): Merville
(22 km): Black Creek
(33 km): Hornby Island
(39 km): Powell River
(39 km): Campbell River
(48 km): Heriot Bay
(55 km): Qualicum Beach
(61 km): Coombs
(64 km): Parksville
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Courtenay - (add profile)
Sid Williams Theatre SocietyThe Sid Williams Theatre Society operates the theatre for the benefit of all residents of the Comox Valley. We strive to be inclusive and accessible for all. We offer subsidized rates for non-profit renters, a ticket program for those without access to cultural events, and a bursary fund for graduating students to continue their education in the performing arts.
The Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding SocietyThe mission of CVTRS is to provide a therapeutic riding program for physically, mentally and emotionally challenged children and adults, as well as hearing and visually impaired. It is a direct service to people and has significant long term benefits. Therapeutic riding is educational, therapeutic and research oriented.
The Stathcona Wilderness Institute SocietyThe Strathcona Wilderness Institute Society was founded to promote sensitive and enjoyable use of the remote and natural Strathcona Provincial Park, which is located in the centre of Vancouver Island, on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Mountainaire Avian Rescue SocietyWe are a non-political organization. Our energy is totally directed towards rehabilitation and education, and the funding of those endeavours. We abide by all governing laws and regulations under which we operate. MARS holds permits from federal and provincial governments that allow us to rescue, keep in captivity and care for wildlife.
Lush Valley Food Action SocietyLUSH Valley is a charitable, non-profit organization focusing on food security.
We support food-related projects to educate and empower the people of the Comox Valley towards personal wellness, community health, and environmental stewardship.
We support local, sustainable food production at home and on the farm.
LUSH = Let Us Share the Harvest
Healthy Aboriginal NetworkThe Healthy Aboriginal Network is a registered non-profit Society, incorporated in the Province of British Columbia since 2005. Our mandate is the non-profit promotion of health, literacy & wellness through the production of visual resources for youth.
Comox Valley Land TrustOur vision is to protect and restore ecosystems through voluntary conservation and advocating for defined recreational trail and biodiversity linkages between parks and environmentally sensitive areas creating a network of protection throughout the region.
Comox Valley Community Arts CouncilThe Comox Valley Community Arts Council works to facilitate, activate and advocate on behalf of arts and culture in our community. Through our involvement in a wide variety of activities, we pro-actively support the cultural creators and workers of the Comox Valley.
Comox Valley Art GalleryThe Comox Valley Art Gallery is a public art gallery featuring contemporary, experimental and applied art by regional, national and international artists presenting contemporary art issues and practices.
Research with RespectResearch with Respect provides Information, Support and Advocacy for Phase 1 Cancer Clinical Trial Volunteers.
Volunteer in Courtenay by Category
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Education and Literacy
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Sports and Recreation