Volunteer in Alberta, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in Alberta offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in Alberta.
If your organization is located in Alberta and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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Art Gallery of Alberta
2 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, Alberta
The Art Gallery of Alberta is a centre of excellence for the visual arts in Western Canada, connecting people, art and ideas.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Art Gallery of Alberta
Aspen Regional Health Authority # 11
9732 - 100 Avenue, Westlock, Alberta
We are the skilled and dedicated health professionals, support staff, volunteers and physicians who promote wellness and provide health care every day to approximately 3.9 million Albertans, as well as to many residents of Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Aspen Regional Health Authority # 11
Athabasca University
1 University Dr, Athabasca, Alberta
Athabasca University, Canada's Open University, is dedicated to the removal of barriers that restrict access to and success in university-level study and to increasing equality of educational opportunity for adult learners worldwide.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Athabasca University
Autism Calgary Association
3359-27 St NE, Suite 174, Calgary, Alberta
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) living meaningful and purposeful lives in a community that values them
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Autism
Volunteer Profile of Autism Calgary Association
Autism Society of Edmonton Area
11720 - Kingsway Avenue, Suite 101, Edmonton, Alberta
The Autism Society of Edmonton Area (ASEA) helps families and communities embrace and support people on the autism spectrum throughout their lives.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Autism
Volunteer Profile of Autism Society of Edmonton Area
Aventa Treatment Foundation for Women
25 Avenue SW, Suite 610, Calgary, Alberta
Aventa is a respected leader in the field of addiction treatment for women. Our programs work.
One of Aventa's priorities is working with pregnant women; pregnant women are admitted without delay which helps decrease the risks associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Keywords: Women
· Health and Medicine
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of Aventa Treatment Foundation for Women
Azimuth Theatre Association
11315 - 106th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Azimuth Theatre creates and presents original Canadian performance that examines society and the human condition with a critical gaze.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Azimuth Theatre Association
Barrhead & District Family & Community Support Services Society
4921 - 50 Ave, Barrhead, Alberta
All people have the opportunity to live a safe and healthy life as valued members of our community. "Barrhead & District FCSS provides preventative programs and services that strive to enhance and strengthen individuals, families and the community.
Keywords: Seniors
· Family Support
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Barrhead & District Family & Community Support Services Society
Barrhead Animal Rescue Society
Box 4702, Barrhead, Alberta
The Barrhead Animal Rescue Society (B.A.R.S.) was established in January 2010, and is dedicated to ensuring the humane treatment of all animals in the Town of Barrhead, the County of Barrhead and surrounding areas.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Barrhead Animal Rescue Society
Basically Babies
4812 93rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Basically Babies is a registered charity that works to provide for the basic outfitting needs of newborn babies born to families in extreme need in the greater Edmonton area.
Keywords: Poverty
· Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Basically Babies
Bear Valley Rescue
Site 6, Box 19, RR #2, Sundre, Alberta
We are a horse rescue located in central Alberta. We provide sanctuary for and rehome horses and other animals.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Bear Valley Rescue
Bearspaw Historical Society
253253 Bearspaw Road, Calgary, Alberta
The Society was formed in 1973 by residents who wanted to save the historic 1920 Bearspaw School from destruction and have it serve the community in new ways. That mission was accomplished and the objectives of the Society are now to document, commemorate, and celebrate area history.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bearspaw Historical Society
Bearspaw-Glendale Community Association
253220 Bearspaw Road, Calgary, Alberta
The Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre is a non-profit Community Centre that offers a variety of recreational, social and educational programs for people of all ages! Permanent residents that call the Centre home include the Bearspaw Preschool and the King Edgar Dance Studio. The Centre also has facilities available for rent including a Gymnasium, Banquet Hall, Dance Studio, Homestead Room, two Meeting rooms and a newly renovated Upstairs Studio & Kitchen.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Bearspaw-Glendale Community Association
Beaumont Community Youth Centre
5202 50 Street, Beaumont, Alberta
Established in 2004, the Centre Chantal Berube Community Youth Centre (formerly the Beaumont Community Youth Centre) is a drop-in centre for youth aged 12-17. Our membership is FREE. Please fill out a membership form with your parent/guardian and bring it in to the centre.
Volunteer Profile of Beaumont Community Youth Centre
Bentley Community Service Office
4834 - 52nd Avenue, Bentley, Alberta
The Community Services Office is a department of the Town, operating under the mandate of Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) and receives 80% of its funding from the Province of Alberta. Information on the Family & Community Support Services mandate and guidelines can be found on the Associations web site www.fcssaa.ab.ca
Keywords: Seniors
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Bentley Community Service Office
Bethany Care Society
1001 17 St NW, Calgary, Alberta
In a culture that loves youthfulness, Bethany Care Society celebrates aging. The values of choice, quality of life, independence and community are cornerstones of our service. Our continuing care programs, housing properties and service options reflect the changing social, physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual needs of residents and clients.
Keywords: Seniors
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Bethany Care Society
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Innisfail Society
Box 6026, Innisfail, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Innisfail has been creating friendships since 1987. We started out matching Big Brother/Big Sister volunteers with Little Brothers/Little Sisters and have grown to include a variety of different programs that better serve the needs of children and their families.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Innisfail Society
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Lethbridge and Distict
622 6 Ave S, Lethbridge, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lethbridge has been creating friendships since 1973. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Lethbridge and Distict
Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and District
665 Kingsway Ave Se, Suite 201, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters Medicine Hat & District has the following Strategic Plan in place to better serve our community. \r\n\r\nIncluded are the organization's vision, mission, and prioritized goals and strategies that will guide Big Brothers Big Sisters Medicine Hat & District through the years 2012-2015.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and District
Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo
194 Grenfell Crescent, Fort McMurray, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wood Buffalo has been creating friendships since 1979. Our accreditation came in 1980. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary and Area
5960 Centre Street SE, Calgary, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary and Area is a donor supported, volunteer driven organization recognized for mentoring programs for children and youth in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane, High River and surrounding areas.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary and Area
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ponoka
#4 5004 54 St., Ponoka, Alberta
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ponoka has been creating friendships since 1988. We started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive to be on the leading edge of the Big Brothers Big Sisters movement in Canada.
Keywords: Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ponoka
Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area
10135 89 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
We are the amalgamation of two internationally recognized child serving organizations; Boys & Girls Clubs and Big Brothers Big Sisters. By combining the concepts of both, BGCBigs delivers programs that address the physical, emotional, academic and overall wellness of children and youth.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada
20 Hopewell Way Ne, Calgary, Alberta
Founded by Billy Graham in 1950, BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip others to do the same.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada
Bissell Centre
10527 - 96 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta
Through our vision to eliminate poverty in our community, and guided by a passionate concern for the dignity and well being of each individual, Bissell Centre's work is based on building relationships, hope and trust.
Keywords: Poverty
· Family Services
· Employment and Careers
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Bissell Centre
Blackfalds Community Services Department
5018 Waghorn Street, Blackfalds, Alberta
Blackfalds is proud of its commitment to providing quality community services to all residents. A variety of recreation and culture programs are offered through the Town or by local community groups. These programs, in combination with some first-rate facilities and big-time special events, offer everyone a healthy dose of community spirit.
Keywords: Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Blackfalds Community Services Department
Blackfalds Public Library
5018 Waghorn St., Blackfalds, Alberta
Our Mission is to promote, develop and support library and information services and to make available to the public the best possible facilities and services for obtaining information and knowledge; To stimulate the search for new ideas and provide opportunity for acquaintance with the past and offer the pleasure to be found in books.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Blackfalds Public Library
Blankets for Canada Society
210A-12A St. North, Suite 217, Lethbridge, Alberta
Blankets for Canada is a non-denominational organization devoted to creating blankets for Canadians who need warmth. Blankets for Canada is a non-profit organization that depends entirely on donations.
Keywords: Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Blankets for Canada Society
Bow Habitat Station Volunteer Society
1440 17A St SE, Calgary, Alberta
There is fun for the whole family at Bow Habitat Station! Crawl through a beaver lodge in the Discovery Centre, feed thousands of trout in the Fish Hatchery, make a splash in the Trout Pond, and connect with nature in the Interpretive Wetland.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Bow Habitat Station Volunteer Society
Bow Valley College
332 6 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta
Bow Valley College! Since 1965, we've been helping people fulfill their dreams for a better education and a better career. And it's worked.
A dynamic and rewarding environment awaits you at Bow Valley College. The opportunity to transform your life and realize your potential is just a decision away. Now is the time.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Bow Valley College
Boys' & Girls' Clubs of Calgary
731-13 Ave NE, Calgary, Alberta
Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys' & Girls' Clubs of Calgary
Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie
1003 Allen Street, Airdrie, Alberta
Since 1979, the Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie have been providing high quality affordable programs and services that are accessible to all children, youth and families of Airdrie and surrounding areas.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie
Brain Care Centre
10106- 111 Ave, 229 Royal Alex Place, Edmonton, Alberta
The Brain Care Centre a non-profit organization stemming from the merger of Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society & Edmonton Brain Injury ReLearning Society
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Brain Care Centre
Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation
301 -14th Street NW, 414 Hillhurst Building, Calgary, Alberta
The Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation exists to make a tangible difference in the lives of people with breast cancer.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Breast Cancer Supportive Care Foundation
Bridges Social Development
211 Varsity Estates Bay N.W., Calgary, Alberta
The values and approach were what made Bridges Social Development unique. The model was relatively simple: receive community invitation, complete needs assessment, and then develop a training team in Canada and send them to Yemen for 3-4 weeks to train local community members. At the core of this were strong relationships with community members in places like Yemen, India, and Oman, and also with Bridges Social Development's expert volunteer trainers who donated their time to run these training programs internationally.
Keywords: Women
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Bridges Social Development
Brooks Animal Protection Society
415 1st Ave E, Brooks, Alberta
The Brooks Animal Protection Society (BAPS) is a not-for-profit, charitable community-based and volunteer inspired organization serving Brooks and communities within the County of Newell. BAPS provides a safe haven, care and nourishment to neglected, abused, homeless, impounded and surrendered companion animals. Through leadership and educational programs, BAPS promotes responsible pet ownership and works tirelessly to find loving "forever" homes for all animals under our care.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Brooks Animal Protection Society
Calgary Association of Self Help
1019-7th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Association of Self Help provides client-centered, flexible services promoting the abilities of adults with a mental illness.
This is accomplished through our skill development, support counselling and social/recreational programs.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Association of Self Help
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
1111 - 11 Avenue SW, 5th Floor, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Catholic Immigration Society is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides settlement and integration services to immigrants and refugees in southern Alberta.
Keywords: Immigrants and Refugees
· Family Services
· Employment and Careers
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
Calgary Centre for Performing Arts
205 8 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta
Music, theatre, and dance. This is Arts Commons. But visual arts, education, weddings, comedy, film, and National Geographic Live? Yes, that is Arts Commons too. Today, we are more than just performing arts. Arts Commons has a little bit of this and that. Which means it has something for you.
Keywords: Theatre
· Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Centre for Performing Arts
Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association
7015 Macleod Trail SW, Suite 120, Calgary, Alberta
The Cerebral Palsy Kids and Families association was formed on June 13th, 1951 by a group of parents, each of whom was dealing with a similar, yet somewhat varied disability of their children who had not yet received any diagnoses. It was some time later that Canadian doctors finally learned to recognize that traits of Cerebral Palsy. It was shortly after this, that the CP Kids and Families saw the need to start some sort of treatment and support program for individuals and families affected by Cerebral Palsy.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association
Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
1070 - 105 12 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta
CCVO promotes and strengthens the nonprofit and voluntary sector by developing and sharing resources and knowledge, building connections, leading collaborative work, and giving voice to critical issues affecting the sector.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
Calgary Chinese Community Service Association
75 Albert Street, Suite 500, Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Chinese Community Service Association (CCCSA) envisions an inclusive and supportive society, where Calgarians of all ethnic origins have full and equitable access to all aspects of Canadian society.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Chinese Community Service Association
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse Society
910 - 7th Avenue S.W., Northland Building, Suite 700, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) is the primary sexual abuse and sexual assault crisis and education service provider for Calgary and surrounding areas. Our organization exists because sexual violence is a crime that is prevalent in our society and impacts a significant number of people.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse Society
Calgary Community Network Association
223 12th Ave SW, Suite 103, Calgary, Alberta
Our mission is to provide the Calgary community with public access to information networks, and to educate the public in the use and value of information technology.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Community Network Association
Calgary Contemporary Arts Society
800 Macleod Trail S.E., Suite 104, Calgary, Alberta
Contemporary Calgary began with a collaboration of visual arts partners including the Institute of Modern and Contemporary Art (IMCA), the Art Gallery of Calgary (AGC) and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MOCA) in co-operation with members of the Calgary visual arts community.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Contemporary Arts Society
Calgary Crime Stoppers Association
Calgary, Alberta
Crime Stoppers is a community, media and police co-operative program designed to involve the public in the fight against crime. Crime Stoppers provides citizens with a vehicle to anonymously supply the police with information about a crime or potential crime. A reward of up to $2000 is offered to anyone providing information, which leads to an arrest, or the recovery of stolen property or the seizure of illegal drugs.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Crime Prevention
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Crime Stoppers Association
Calgary Dolphns Swim Club
612 Wilderness Drive S.E., Calgary, Alberta
The Calgary Dolphins swim club was established in 2005 to provide youths and adults with Down syndrome opportunitites to train in the 4 competitive swim strokes.
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Dolphns Swim Club
Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society
1 Dermot Baldwin Way SE, Calgary, Alberta
To prevent homelessness where possible, offer care and shelter when needed, and provide opportunities for people to rehabilitate and rebuild their lives.
Keywords: Seniors
· Poverty
· Homeless and Housing
· Health
· Employment and Careers
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society
Calgary Family Services Society
1000 - 8 Avenue SW, Suite 200, Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Family Services celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2010, making it one of the city's longest-serving social service agencies.
Now known as Carya, we are proud of our history of quietly serving Calgary's community and we're looking forward to the next hundred years with a brand that honours our past and gives us renewed focus for the future.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Family Services Society
Calgary Field Naturalists' Society
Calgary, Alberta
To promote and assist in the preservation of native habitat and of natural features. To provide publications and educational opportunities for the membership and the public. To promote the collection of natural history observations for statistical and educational purposes. To engage in any activity ancillary to the achievement of the above objectives.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Calgary Field Naturalists' Society