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Canada Petroleum Engineering University Programs

Browse through the list of Canadian Petroleum Engineering bachelor, masters, and doctorate courses, programs and degrees offered by universities in Canada.

What is Petroleum Engineering?

Petroleum engineering (also called oil and gas engineering) is the application of engineering principles to the production of oil, natural gas, and other hydrocarbon products. It focuses on maximizing the economic recovery of these hydrocarbons by drawing upon a detailed understanding of the physical behavior of oil, water, and gas within rock at very high pressure.

Petroleum engineering is generally subdivided into 3 fields. Reservoir engineering is the optimization of the production of oil and gas via proper well placement and the enhancement of oil recovery techniques. Drilling engineering focuses on drilling wells. Production engineering manages the interface between reservoir and well, including sand control, downhole flow control, and evaluating artificial lift methods.

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Petroleum Engineering in Canada

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Alberta Alberta

Newfoundland Newfoundland

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Graduate Programs

Canada Canada

Alberta Alberta

Newfoundland Newfoundland

Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Doctorate Programs

Canada Canada

Study and Work in Petroleum Engineering in Canada

Petroleum Engineering Admission Requirements
The prequisites required to become accepted in an undergraduate program in Petroleum Engineering.

Graduate Petroleum Engineering Admission Requirements
The prequisites required to become accepted in an graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Petroleum Engineering.

What Petroleum Engineering Students Learn
Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Petroleum Engineering.

Research in Petroleum Engineering
Research areas, topics, interests projects in Petroleum Engineering.

Career and Employment Opportunities in Petroleum Engineering
Professions or occupations available to graduates in Petroleum Engineering and links to employment resources.

About Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering is similar to geology, chemical engineering, and geophysics. Some schools group chemical and petroleum engineering into the same department.

Programs Related to Petroleum Engineering


Categories Related to Petroleum Engineering

Applied Sciences

Engineering and Technology

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