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Research in Aerospace Engineering in Canada

Research opportunities for students studying Aerospace Engineering.

| University Programs in Canada | Aerospace Engineering |

Aerospace Engineering Research Areas and Disciplines

Research into aeronautical engineering concentrates on designing and improving lightweight but strong materials (eg. new polymers, carbon fiber), propulsion (creation of improved turbomachinery such as helicopter rotors), fluid mechanics (design more efficient wings via wind tunnel experiments), and avionics ( eg. military research into improved radar systems, more accurate GPS detection).

Astronautical engineering overlaps aeronautical engineering, and many of the research is similar. But given that spacecraft have their unique set of difficulties to overcome, there is also research into appropriate materials for use in low-gravity and low pressure environments, the creation of suitable tools (eg. the Canadarm), and also into designing new and useable ways of spacecraft propulsion such as ion, nuclear, or electric.

Study and Work in Aerospace Engineering in Canada

Study Aerospace Engineering in Canada
What is Aerospace Engineering? Discover similiar and related programs and universities in Canada offering Aerospace Engineering degrees.

Aerospace Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to an undergraduate program in Aerospace Engineering.

Graduate Aerospace Engineering Admission Requirements
The prerequisites required to become accepted to a graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Aerospace Engineering.

What Aerospace Engineering Students Learn
Topics, subjects and concepts that are covered and overall approach or focus taken for studying Aerospace Engineering.

Career and Employment Opportunities in Aerospace Engineering
Professions, occupations and careers available to graduates in Aerospace Engineering and links to relevant employment resources.

Aerospace Engineering Programs in Canada

Canada Canada

Greater Toronto Area Greater Toronto Area

Manitoba Manitoba

Ontario Ontario

Quebec Quebec

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