Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Blakes Scholar - Canadian Scholarships
Information about Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Blakes Scholar. You can also locate similiar scholarships, awards, prizes and bursaries in Canada.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Blakes Scholar
Scholarship Provided by:
Organizations: Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Universities All Law Schools
Scholarship Details:
Eligible Provinces:
, British Columbia
, Manitoba
, New Brunswick
, Newfoundland
, Nova Scotia
, Ontario
, Prince Edward Island
, Quebec
, Saskatchewan
Web Contact Information:
General Scholarship Requirements:
Credits/Grades: academic standing in the top 10% of the first year law school class, renewable in third year provided that the recipient has an academic standing in the top 20% of the second year class
Additional Requirements: \r\nextracurricular activities, renewable
University Scholarship Requirements:
Universities All Law Schools
Faculty/Division Faculty of Law
Type of Student Scholarship Requirements:
Level of Education Undergraduate Year 2
Achievement and Ability Scholarship Requirements:
Hobbies: Community Service
Academic Achievement: Excellent Grades