Saskatoon Horticulture Society Bursary | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Bachelor of Science in Agriculture |
SaskEnergy Awards for Aboriginal Students | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Arts: English, Bachelor of Science: Resource Management, Economics, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Studies, Public Administration |
SaskPower Shand Greenhouse Education Prize | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Bachelor of Science in Agriculture: Horticulture, Environmental Sciences |
Schneller and Summers Award (OAC) | University of Guelph | Ontario Agricultural College | | |
Schuman Bursaries | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Edwards School of Business | | |
Scott Prize | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Diploma in Agriculture |
Serecon Consulting Group Leadership Scholarship | University of Alberta | Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences | | Bachelor of Science: Agricultural/Food Business Management |
Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Scholarship in Plant Science | University of Alberta | Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences | | Crop Horticultural Science, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Range and Pasture Management |
Sheila M McLaggan Scholarship in Human Nutrition | University of Alberta | Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences | Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science | Nutrition and Food Sciences, Integrated Dietetic Internship |
Shevkenek Scholarships | University of Saskatchewan | College of Nursing, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, College of Medicine, College of Arts and Science | | |
SIA Cash Prize | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Diploma in Agriculture |
Sikh Society of Saskatchewan Bursary | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Edwards School of Business | | |
Sir Vincent Meredith Fellowship in Agricultural Economics | McGill University | Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | Department of Agricultural Economics | |
SM Blair Scholarship | University of Alberta | Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences | Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science | |
Society of Management Accountants of Ontario Scholarship | University of Guelph | | | Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Arts: Business Administration Minor, Bachelor of Science: Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture: Agriculture Business, Food Agriculture and Resource Economics |
Soden Memorial Scholarships in Agriculture (OAC) | University of Guelph | Ontario Agricultural College | Department of Plant Agriculture | |
Soybean Research Scholarship (Plant Agriculture) | University of Guelph | Ontario Agricultural College | Department of Plant Agriculture | |
Special Award for Northern Residents | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources, Edwards School of Business | | |
Stan Jameson Memorial Bursary in Agriculture | University of Saskatchewan | College of Agriculture and Bioresources | | Bachelor of Science in Agriculture: Animal Science |
Stantec Environmental Science Scholarship | University of Guelph | Ontario Agricultural College | Faculty of Environmental Sciences | Bachelor of Science: Environmental Sciences |