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School of Mission and Theology, Norway

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for School of Mission and Theology, Norway

School of Mission and Theology - Misjonshøgskolen

English language section of School of Mission and Theology

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Religion and Theology

Institution Profile

School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway is a private institution, offering students the chance to take up programs leading to undergraduate and graduate levels of qualifications. Students can take up a Bachelor's, Master's, M.Phil and PhD degrees in various aspects of theology. Candidates, who wish to be ordained in the service of the Church of Norway, can take up these programs. Students, who opt to take up a bachelor's program, will learn about Old and New Testament theology, about the history of religion as well as the history of church. The medium of instruction is Norwegian. Students also learn about Greek and Hebrew languages. The candidates have to be holders of the "videregående skole" degree or its equivalent. Students are also offered Bachelor of Religion and Intercultural Communication program.

School of Mission and Theology offers two master's degree programs that are taught with English as the medium of instruction and are available to international students too. Students have to work on their thesis too. A master of Global studies program, comprising of 120 ECTS is offered too. Students who take up these programs will benefit by gaining insight due to the intercultural and international communication. It is offered in English and students may complete their thesis in English or Norwegian.

School of Mission and Theology offers PhD programs to international students too with English as the medium of instruction. The institution is a member of the Centre for Medieval Studies.


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