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Norwegian Eurythmy College, Norway

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World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Norwegian Eurythmy College, Norway

Norwegian Eurythmy College - Den norske Eurytmihøyskole

English language section of Norwegian Eurythmy College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The Norwegian Eurhythmy College in Oslo offers a degree program in eurhythmy. It is a full time study program, which is covered in four years. This course is approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The course covers all aspects of eurhythmy, which includes theoretical, practical, and artistic approaches. The minimum age for admissions is 20 years. Interested students are expected to have an aptitude and interest in music and movement.

Eurhythmy is an art form, which can enhance the educational experience. The founder of eurhythmy was Rudolf Steiner, who described it as "visible speech and visible song". The teaching of eurhythmy includes various art forms, such as music, art, dance, drama and singing. There are classes in speech and tone eurhythmy everyday. In addition to these daily classes, other subjects are taught on a weekly basis or through special block classes. Subjects like geometry, anatomy, astronomy and musical theory are taught in these special classes. All students have to undergo teaching practice in a Waldorf school in every term.

After undergoing this program at the Norwegian Eurhythmy College, students have a number of opportunities. They can continue further studies in therapeutic and pedagogical eurhythmy in other institutions. They can also opt for taking courses in eurhythmy as a performing art. There are many career possibilities for eurhythmy students. They can become eurhythmy teachers, therapeutic eurhythmists, or performing eurhythmists.


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