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Diakonova University College, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Diakonova University College, Norway

Diakonova University College - Høyskolen Diakonova

English language section of Diakonova University College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Diakonova University College is a private Christian College. The college offers a Bachelor course in Nursing. The course is very popular and has common entrance requirements. You can easily download the application form from the college website. Apart from fulfilling the basic requirements, you will also need to confirm your Christian faith and church membership. The college will request you to provide a certificate of baptism or they might verify your church membership from your priest.

Diakonova University College offers Deacon education along with Master’s degree in Deaconea. The Masters degree is in association with the Det Teologiske Menighetsfakultetet. The college offers Specialization courses in Public Health Nursing, Nephrology Nursing, and Cancer Nursing. The research Program of the college comprise of both, National and International projects. The list of international projects goes like this: Quality of life for persons with Spina Bifida, Deaconea in Indonesia, Hygiene, and prevention in Estonia, Care for the geriatic in China and others. The national project includes - Quality of life for persons with Spina Bifida, coping and prevention of Post Partum Depression, Practice learning for Nursing Students, Coping in severe illness, and consequences and prevention of bullying.

However, the Diakonova University College does not offer any Norwegian course. So you would require having this competence before joining. The faculties are highly competent and dedicated.


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