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Bjørknes College, Norway

Norway University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Norway

Universities in Norway >> Colleges in Norway

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Bjørknes College, Norway

Bjørknes College -

English language section of Bjørknes College

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Based in Norway, Bjørknes College began offering university courses at an international level in 2006. These programs follow the European credit-based system and have received accreditation from a number of quality assurance authorities in the country. Eligible students can apply for loans and grants from the State Educational Loan Fund in Norway for these particular programs. These courses are practical philosophy which is worth thirty credits and media and communication as well as medical foundation year, both of which count for sixty credits each.

Apart from these programs, Bjørknes College offers a number of graduate and undergraduate programs in partnership with universities from other countries. This gives students the opportunity to do either their first year or first semester in Norway after which they can complete their course abroad. These bi-national study partnerships were initiated in 1999.

Students from all around the world are invited to study these programs at Bjørknes College. The international student population at the college represents countries like Australia, France, Mexico and Canada. At the graduate level, the college works in close association with the International Peace Research Institute based in Oslo to create and upgrade teaching material as well as design semester modules. In this way, the curriculum maintains a current international perspective on all subjects. This partnership has also paved the way for a number of innovative teaching programs concerning global conflicts, where students can asses the situation from both sides.


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