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University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Finland

Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine, Finland

University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine - Turun yliopisto - Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta

English language section of University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Medical

Institution Profile

University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine offers students a chance to take up undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. The Faculty of Medicine comprises of the Institute of Microbiology and Pathology, Institute of Biomedicine, Institute of Dentistry, Institute of Clinical Medicine, and the Department of Nursing Sciences. Special units such as the Turku Centre for Biotechnology, BioCity, Turku Biomaterials Centre and the Research Centre of Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine are also part of the faculty.

University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine has many exchange students, by participating in the ERASMUS, NORDPLUS, ISEP, FIRST, and bilateral agreement programs. The medium of instruction is Finnish, but certain programs are offered in English for the benefit of the exchange students. The Faculty offers students to take up four post graduate degree programs. They can take up Doctor in Medicine and Dentistry. They can also take up programs that can earn them a Doctor of Philosophy or a Doctor of Health Sciences degree.

University of Turku - Faculty of Medicine offers Master's degrees that include the Licentiate in Medicine and Dentistry. Students can also take up a Bachelor/Master of Health Sciences degree as well as a Master Program in Health Biosciences. The medium of instruction is Finnish and it is mandatory that the students be proficient in the language, in order to gain admission to the programs. Students have to take up an entrance exam in Finnish, in order to gain admission.


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