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University of Oulu, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Finland

Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Oulu, Finland

University of Oulu - Oulun yliopisto

English language section of University of Oulu

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

University of Oulu is a large and prestigious educational institution in Finland that offers students a chance to take up educational programs in more than eight fields of study. Students can select from over 45 different programs. The students are offered training in state-of-the-art technology and as expert instructors, who use the latest teaching techniques to teach them, the students get quality education. The institution offers educational opportunities to regular students as well as for professionals, who wish to upgrade their existing skills. The university has no restrictions regarding age or educational qualification of its students, as it believes in providing education to all who desire to get educated. The institution also conducts research in more than 70 fields of study.

University of Oulu offers several courses, with English as the medium of instruction. It comprises of the Faculties of Humanities, Education, Economics and Business Administration, Science, Technology, and Medicine. The faculty members are trained experts, who have a vast deal of experience and are extremely well qualified.

University of Oulu has excellent facilities, including an extensive library as well as excellent computer facilities. The institution also houses the largest technology centre in Finland, the VTT State Technical Research Centre. The institution operators from its three campuses located in various parts of Finland. The University is also part of the Kajaani University Consortium. The institution has adopted the European Credit Transfer System.


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