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University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine, Finland

University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine - Oulun yliopisto - Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta

English language section of University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Medical

Institution Profile

University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine is actively involved in promoting and conducting research as well as in educating students for successful career in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences. The university was established in the year 1958. The main areas of research in the Faculty of Medicine include cardiovascular diseases, Life span and gerontological, Connective tissue research, cartilage and bone diseases, Cancer biology and cancer diseases, Neuroscience and Environment and health. The faculty accounts for training about 1/6th of the total number of physicians in Finland.

University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine offers students three basic degree programs, the Licentiate in Dentistry, Medicine and the Master of Health Care program. The students are educated using a balanced combination of theory classes and clinical practicum. Students are trained by being made to attend lectures and by participating in patient examinations. They also attend several clinical demonstrations and work in several projects at the university hospitals. Students can also take up doctorate programs in Medical, Health and Dental Sciences.

University of Oulu - Faculty of Medicine has a number of partner institutions, because of it participating in programs such as ERASMUS, ISEP, Nordplus, and the bilateral agreements. The international students can take up Finnish Language courses that are offered at the university. It has adopted the European Credit Transfer System. The faculty members are well-qualified and trained experts, who have many years of experience in their respective fields.


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