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University of Kuopio, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for University of Kuopio, Finland

University of Kuopio - Kuopion yliopisto

English language section of University of Kuopio

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

The University of Kuopio comprises of five faculties and over 60 teaching and research institutions. The five faculties include the faculty of Business and Information Technology, Medicine, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Pharmacy, and Social Sciences.

The University of Kuopio offers a wide array of degree programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the fields of health, environment and well being, with particular strengths in biotechnology, biosciences and molecular medicine. The University's latest fields of expertise are business administration and technology education.

The A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences is also considered equal to the faculties. Altogether, there are 60 teaching and research institutions making up the faculties. This number includes 14 clinics operating within Kuopio University Hospital.

The University's Foundation Act was passed in 1966, and teaching started in 1972. Today the University has 6,500 students of which approximately 1,400 are postgraduate students. Annually 1,000 new students start their studies. The University of Kuopio offers more than 140 learning pathways.

The University of Kuopio is the third largest employer in Kuopio after the City of Kuopio and Kuopio University Hospital. The number of staff is approximately 1,600 of which 110 are professors.

The degree program in medicine was designated one of the high quality units of Finnish university education for the period 2004 – 2006. The University of Kuopio is also the most prolific postgraduate research training center in Finland.


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