University of Joensuu - SavonlinnaFinnish: Joensuun yliopistosta
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 111, 80101, Joensuu, 57100, Savonlinna, Finland
Visiting Address: Kuninkaankartanonkatu 5, Savonlinna, Eastern Finland, Finland
Telephone: +358 13 251 111,
Fax: +358 13 251 2050
SummaryThe University of Joensuu was established in 1969. The university is organized into eight faculties and nine non-faculty institutes. The university offers a wide array of courses in a variety of subjects areas, such as education, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, economics, forestry, theology, and psychology. The University has over eight thousand students, 1160 of whom are on the Savonlinna campus.
Type of Higher Education Institution: Universities