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Humak University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

World Universities and Colleges >> Higher Education in Finland

Universities in Finland >> Colleges in Finland

Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Humak University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Humak University of Applied Sciences - Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu

English language section of Humak University of Applied Sciences

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Humak University of Applied Sciences, with a structural network of 12 units, has its values based on human interaction, culture, and education. With student strength of 1300 and 120 personnel, the University offers degree programs in Cultural Management, Civic Activities & Youth Work, and Sign Language Interpreter. This University is the only one in Finland to provide degrees in the mentioned fields.

Cultural Management Program
This degree program enables students to develop exclusive professional skills through a personal study program. They become experts of arts and culture and get skilled in promoting artistic and cultural activities. Such students get placements at domestic and global level.

Civic Activities & Youth Work program
Students gain expertise in youth work, organizations, and leisure activities. The objective of this program is detection and prevention of marginalization processes, growth of third sector, and development of various free time services.

Sign Language Interpreter Program
This degree program specializes students in translation as well as interpretation. Communication skills of the students are also developed through this program.

The strong points of Humak University of Applied Sciences are its nationwide field of operation, student-oriented principles, its virtual campus, and internet proficiency.


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