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Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

Finland University and College Profiles

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

Helsinki School of Economics - Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu

English language section of Helsinki School of Economics

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

School/Program: Business

Institution Profile

The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration was established by the business community in 1904, but it acquired the status of a university only in 1911. This school of Economics and Business Administration is the largest and leading business school in Finland. The school produces international research of a high standard, and provides teaching based on this research.

The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration is an innovative and lively community of about four thousand students, including several hundred students from different parts of the world. Besides that, there over four hundred researchers, teachers and service personnel.

The main building of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration is centrally situated in Töölö in Helsinki. The school is the largest and leading business school on Finland. The school offers a wide sarray of academic degree programs for its students, such as the Bachelor, Master, Licentiate and Doctor of Science in Economics.

Since the founding of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration in 1911, more than two thousand students have graduated from the school into the employ of Finnish and international economic life. Besides that, twelve thousand of them have graduated with a Bachelor of Science, seventy seven hundred with a Master of Science, three hundred with a Licentiate of Science and two hundred with a Doctor of Science.

The various departments of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration include the Department of Economics, Department of Languages and Communication, Department of Accounting and Finance, Department of Business Technology, and the Department of Marketing and Management.


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