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Finnish National Defence University, Finland

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Profile, contact, program and admissions information for Finnish National Defence University, Finland

Finnish National Defence University - Tervetuloa Maanpuolustuskorkeakouluun

English language section of Finnish National Defence University

Type of Higher Education Institution: University

Institution Profile

Finnish National Defence University, established in January 1993, has three degree divisions: First Degree Division, which is the Military Academy, Postgraduate Degree Division, and Continuing Training Division. The University also offers doctoral studies.

First Degree Division
The entire degree program comprises of fundamental, intermediate, and advanced studies in military leadership, operational art and tactics, military pedagogy, strategy and security policy, technology, military history, and languages. Each degree requires thesis writing and carrying out of monitored practical training.

The degree programs have been designed on the requirement basis of European Bolognan Process. Therefore, the Finnish National Defence University makes use of ECTS study credits.

Postgraduate Degree Division
This is senior staff officer course that focuses on special branches as well as services. The best students of this course are eligible to continue general staff officer course studies. Senior staff officer course is an autonomous body. The general as well as senior courses prepare students to take part in international activities that are a common requirement of their tasks.

Doctoral Studies
Finnish National Defence University offers doctoral degree in subjects like war history, military pedagogy, tactics & operational art, and strategic studies. The students can continue their studies even if they are commissioned as research officers, or are not regular officers, or have been appointed to special duties at the University.


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