Volunteer for Seniors Organizations in Halton Hills
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Information about Seniors Organizations in Halton Hills offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Seniors Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Groups devoted to seniors focus on things such as housing, maintaining their independence, recreational activities, and various support functions. There is also some overlap with disabled people as many seniors become disabled through debilitation.
Amma Foundation of Canada
9158 Trafalgar Road, Halton Hills, Ontario
Amma Canada, formerly known as Amma Foundation of Canada, was registered as a charitable organization in 2003. Prior to incorporation as a charity, volunteers from the Greater Toronto area used to collect clothing, non perishable food items and household appliances and donate them to established charities such as Covenant House, Jean Tweed Centre, St.Felix Centre, Interim Place, Red Door Shelter,..etc. Similarly, funds raised through garage sales were donated to the charities.
Keywords: Seniors
· Poverty
· Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Amma Foundation of Canada