Volunteer for Rescue and Adoption Organizations in Downsview
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Information about Rescue and Adoption Organizations in Downsview offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Rescue and Adoption Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Most of the non-wildlife animal organizations are humane societies or shelters, which rescue and rehabilitate animals. These groups also put these animals up for adoption. Groups such as the SPCA fall under this category.
Urban Cat Relief
Box 77553 RPO Sheppard Plaza, Downsview, Ontario
Urban Cat Relief (formerly Fostering Felines Cat Rescue and CATalyst Cat Rescue) is committed to helping people make a difference in the lives of homeless cats. All animals deserve to live with dignity and love, free from cruelty and abuse. Our goal is to ensure that every cat and kitten is treated with respect, care and compassion. Our mandate includes the rescue of domesticated stray and feral cats, as well as the safety and welfare of all cats in our communities.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Urban Cat Relief