Volunteer in Timmins, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 5 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Timmins, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Timmins, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Ancaster Horticultural Society
173 Columbus Avenue, Timmins, Ontario
The Ancaster Horticultural Society is a group of over 200 enthusiastic members whose mission is to beautify the Ancaster community while encouraging people to get involved and "come dig with us".
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Ancaster Horticultural Society
Canadian Mental Health Association Cochrane Timiskaming Branch
330 Second Ave, Suite 201, Timmins, Ontario
The CMHA Cochrane-Timiskaming Branch is a value based agency belonging to a national organization comprised of 120 Branches and affiliated with a provincial network consisting of 35 Branches. The National Office and Ontario Division provide Branches with advocacy information, lobbying updates, social policy/research, and legislation proposals regarding mental health/mental illness.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Mental Health Association Cochrane Timiskaming Branch
Kemptville Horticultural Society
173 Columbus Avenue, Timmins, Ontario
The Ontario Horticultural Association is a volunteer, charitable organization whose mission is to provide leadership and assist in the promotion of education and interest in all areas of horticulture and related environmental issues in Ontario, through an expanding network of horticultural societies dedicated to the beautification of their communities.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Kemptville Horticultural Society
Timmins & District Humane Society
620 Mahoney Drive, Timmins, Ontario
The Timmins Humane Society is a non profit organization and Registered Charity (Number 87246 6198 RR0001). Also an affiliate of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
The Society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and assisted by Members at Large, who work on various committees, such as Fundraising, Adoptions and Cruelty Prevention.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Timmins & District Humane Society
Timmins Native Friendship Centre
316 Spruce Street South, Timmins, Ontario
The founders of the Timmins Native Friendship Centre were inspired to make a difference by helping the many First Nations People migrating to the City of Timmins. They embraced the responsibility and were inspired to strengthen the people's well-being with the establishment of the friendship centre.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Timmins Native Friendship Centre
Volunteering in Timmins
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Timmins
(130 km): Englehart
(164 km): New Liskeard
(171 km): Haileybury
(199 km): Capreol
(222 km): Sudbury
(229 km): Lively
(231 km): Naughton
(249 km): Espanola
(252 km): Elliot Lake
(257 km): Massey
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Timmins - (add profile)
Ancaster Horticultural SocietyThe Ancaster Horticultural Society is a group of over 200 enthusiastic members whose mission is to beautify the Ancaster community while encouraging people to get involved and "come dig with us".
Timmins Native Friendship CentreThe founders of the Timmins Native Friendship Centre were inspired to make a difference by helping the many First Nations People migrating to the City of Timmins. They embraced the responsibility and were inspired to strengthen the people’s well-being with the establishment of the friendship centre.
Timmins & District Humane SocietyThe Timmins Humane Society is a non profit organization and Registered Charity (Number 87246 6198 RR0001). Also an affiliate of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
The Society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and assisted by Members at Large, who work on various committees, such as Fundraising, Adoptions and Cruelty Prevention.
Kemptville Horticultural SocietyThe Ontario Horticultural Association is a volunteer, charitable organization whose mission is to provide leadership and assist in the promotion of education and interest in all areas of horticulture and related environmental issues in Ontario, through an expanding network of horticultural societies dedicated to the beautification of their communities.
Canadian Mental Health Association Cochrane Timiskaming BranchThe CMHA Cochrane-Timiskaming Branch is a value based agency belonging to a national organization comprised of 120 Branches and affiliated with a provincial network consisting of 35 Branches. The National Office and Ontario Division provide Branches with advocacy information, lobbying updates, social policy/research, and legislation proposals regarding mental health/mental illness.
Volunteer in Timmins by Category
Community Services
Cultural Centres
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Mental Health
Rescue and Adoption