Volunteer in Bath, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 1 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Bath, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Bath, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Smittys Shih Tzu Rescue
1474 Ham Road, Bath, Ontario
Smitty's Shih Tzu Rescue is a group of dog-minded individuals. We help one dog at a time. It is in honour of Smitty, a one year old abused Shih Tzu, that we named the rescue. Smitty is now a friendly, outgoing six year old who loves to do agility with his mom. Our goal is to turn unwanted, abused or neglected Shih Tzu and other small breeds, into wanted, and loved companion dogs.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Smittys Shih Tzu Rescue
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Smittys Shih Tzu RescueSmitty's Shih Tzu Rescue is a group of dog-minded individuals. We help one dog at a time. It is in honour of Smitty, a one year old abused Shih Tzu, that we named the rescue. Smitty is now a friendly, outgoing six year old who loves to do agility with his mom. Our goal is to turn unwanted, abused or neglected Shih Tzu and other small breeds, into wanted, and loved companion dogs.
Volunteer in Bath by Category
Rescue and Adoption