Volunteer for Music Organizations in Ancaster
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Information about Music Organizations in Ancaster offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Music Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. These types of arts and cultures organizations focus on music such as radio stations, symphonies, opera, choirs, and ethnic music.
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band Inc
334 Wilson St E, Ancaster, Ontario
The "All Stars" is a big band comprised of musicians approximately aged 16 to 25, all of which are highschool, college, university students and graduates. The band consists of 5 saxophones, 5 trumpets, 4 trombones, 1 bass trombone, drums, acoustic upright bass, guitar, piano, and solo vocalist.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Hamilton All Star Jazz Band Inc