Volunteer for Leadership Organizations in Willowdale
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Information about Leadership Organizations in Willowdale offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Leadership Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Certain children and youth groups focus on leadership. This means groups that are designed to teach children life skills or otherwise prepare them to be productive members of society. This includes various Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, and outreach groups.
J.D. Griffin Adolescent Centre Inc
24 Silverview Drive, Willowdale, Ontario
Since 1975, Griffin Centre has been delivering services to people who thought their needs didn't count. We continue to expand our programs and services to respond to the changing and emerging needs of diverse individuals in our community. We help them find solutions to their challenges.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of J.D. Griffin Adolescent Centre Inc