Volunteer for Health and Medicine Organizations in Englehart
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Information about Health and Medicine Organizations in Englehart offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Health and Medicine Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Health and medicine refers to organizations that cater to people with medical needs. This can include hospitals, mental health institutes, and palliative care facilities. It also encompasses various medical disorders.
Englehart & District Hospital Inc
61 5th Street, Englehart, Ontario
Englehart and District Hospital is committed to patient and staff safety by promoting individual accountability. Everyone, including employees, patients, visitors, physicians and volunteers are responsible for safety in the environment, in using equipment, and organizational operations by following hospital policies and procedures, Occupational Health and Safety guidelines and Infection Prevention and Control practices for the benefit of patients and co-workers
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Englehart & District Hospital Inc