Volunteer for Environmental Organizations in London
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Information about Environmental Organizations in London offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Environmental Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Environmental groups focus on aspects such as trail maintenance, watersheds, parklands, and wilderness conservation. Sometimes this group can overlap with Animals (for wildlife groups).
Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc
111 Elmwood Ave E, London, Ontario
The Coves area is a subwatershed of the greater Thames River Watershed. It aligns primarily in a north-south direction with the Cove ponds at the downstream end and Arthur Ford Park and Highland Woods at the headwaters. Such features as Euston Park, other smaller community parks and various ravines are found within the subwatershed. Residential communities include Manor & Highland Park, Southcrest, Southcrest Estates, Kensal Park, Norton Estates, and Springbank.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc
Thames Region Ecological Association
1017 Western Road, London, Ontario
TREA is a local, non profit registered charity, established in November 1986. The purpose of TREA is to promote environmental awareness and support events that benefit our Members and the Community of London. TREA encourages Citizen participation through raising awareness of environmental issues, and through Volunteering to promote and/or facilitate innovative projects that contribute to an ecologically responsible and sustainable future.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Thames Region Ecological Association
Thames Talbot Land Trust
London, Ontario
The Thames Talbot Land Trust (TTLT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of lands and waters with significant natural, recreational, scenic, historical or agricultural value.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Thames Talbot Land Trust