Volunteer in Cranbrook, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 5 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Cranbrook, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Cranbrook, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
930 Baker Street, Cranbrook, British Columbia
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook is a non-profit organization and registered charity in operation in Cranbrook since 1977.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook
Cranbrook and District Arts Council
32A -11 Ave. S, Cranbrook, British Columbia
The Painters Arts Council BC Canada supports developing visual arts - especially painting to the British Columbia area. We strive to create public awareness and chances for artistic opportunities for painting events in every corner of the community.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Cranbrook and District Arts Council
Cranbrook Public Library
1212 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, British Columbia
To make a difference in the cultural and social life of Cranbrook as it relates to the Cranbrook Public Library. We are active in promoting increased library services, better facilities and more programming directed toward the needs of Cranbrook's residents.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Cranbrook Public Library
Key City Theatre Sociey
20-14th Avenue North, Cranbrook, British Columbia
A dream started in the mid-1970's... a dream to create a fine arts facility we could truly call our own. In 1978 a referendum was defeated that would have financed the construction. At the time it seemed nearly impossible to create the dream. A fantasy dies when it encounters major obstacles, but not a dream, not this dream. There were too many people who shared this dream and in 1984 thoughts again turned to a fine arts facility and how we could create this dream debt-free, without placing a burden on the tax payers of Cranbrook.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Key City Theatre Sociey
The Cranbrook Archives Museum and Landmark Foundation
Cranbrook, British Columbia
The archives consists of a large collection of papers, books, photographs, pamphlets, maps, and other paper items pertaining to several interests. It is also a reference library for museum research.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Cranbrook Archives Museum and Landmark Foundation