Volunteer for Animal Organizations in Toronto
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Information about Animal Organizations in Toronto offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Animal Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Animal organizations focus on animal issues. This usually means either humane-society-type organizations that specialize in rescue and adoption of domestic animals, or wildlife groups that specialize in rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic
215 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Located at 215 Roncesvalles Avenue in the heart of Roncesvalles Village we are a small animal veterinary hospital serving Toronto's west end. We provide routine preventative care, early detection and treatment of disease, medical, surgical and dental care and short term boarding.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic
Setter Sanctuary
Toronto, Ontario
Beautiful eyes and a heart-melting expression are hallmarks of the Setter family, as is a soft, silky coat with flowing feathers and unique colouring. English Setters show a variety of ticking and patches, typically in black & white (blue belton), orange & white (orange belton), or a canvas of black, tan & white (tricolour). The exuberant Irish Setter is the tallest of the setters with its rich chestnut or mahogany coat. The stable, loyal Gordon Setter sports a beautiful black and tan coat. The rare and ancient Irish Red & White Setter is described as white with deep red patches.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Setter Sanctuary
Snookie's Little Rescue
Toronto, Ontario
We are a small, entirely volunteer, non-profit and no-kill rescue group dedicated to rescuing dogs. Although, we primarely rescue small dogs of all breeds we do rescue large ones as well. Occasionally, we rescue cats when foster homes are available. Our goal is helping dogs in BC, Ontario and Quebec.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Snookie's Little Rescue
Snooters Farm Animal Sanctuary
Toronto, Ontario
Snooters offers "safe, forever homes to rescue animals who have come from a variety of places. Some from families who grow tired of them, some from factory farms, some strays & many with disabilities."
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Snooters Farm Animal Sanctuary
Speaking of Dogs Rescue
1277 York Mills Road, Toronto, Ontario
Speaking of Dogs Rescue Program is a registered non-profit, volunteer-based dog rescue in Toronto that has been operational since 2001. We are dedicated to assisting dogs from shelters, puppy mills, veterinary clinics and owner abandonments. Good relationships with various shelters and rescues throughout Ontario allow us to work together to help dogs in need. We publish the `Breed Specific and All Breed Rescue Directory' annually which has helped thousands of shelter dogs receive the second chance they deserve.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Speaking of Dogs Rescue
Tails From Greece Rescue
614 - 25 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ontario
We are always in need of foster homes. Please consider being a foster home for one of our dogs. It's a great way to help one of our dogs if you're not ready for a full-time commitment of adopting.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Tails From Greece Rescue
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
1450 O'connor Drive, Suite 214, Toronto, Ontario
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to assisting the recovery of the peregrine falcon and other raptors at risk. Follow the links below to learn more about our past, present, and future endeavours.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
The Parrot Sanctuary
Toronto, Ontario
The Parrot Sanctuary is a parrot rescue, sanctuary and educational care centre, located in Toronto, Canada. We are operated as a volunteer-based non-profit organization.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Parrot Sanctuary
The Seeing Eye Organization
Toronto, Ontario
The Seeing Eye is a philanthropic organization whose mission is to enhance the independence, dignity, and self-confidence of blind people through the use of Seeing Eyer dogs.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Seeing Eye Organization
The Toronto Humane Society
11 River Street, Toronto, Ontario
It is the mission of The Toronto Humane Society to promote the humane care and protection of all animals and to prevent cruelty and suffering.
Following no kill principles, the Toronto Humane Society aspires to be a best-in-class animal shelter - working in partnership with the community to find creative solutions and improve outcomes for all animals.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto Humane Society
Toronto Bird Observatory
588 Indian Grove, Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Bird Observatory (TBO) is a charitable organization, which provides a means for naturalists to study and contribute to the knowledge of avian biology and behaviour through banding and other means of monitoring migratory birds.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Bird Observatory
Toronto Ornithological Club
403 Sackville St, Toronto, Ontario
The Toronto Ornithological Club was formed in 1934, and registered as a non-profit Ontario organization in 1987. It is a club for serious birders
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Ornithological Club
Toronto Wildlife Centre
60 Carl Hall Rd, Unit 4, Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) offers many unique programs and services to wildlife and the community.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Wildlife Centre
Toronto Zoo
361A Old Finch Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
The Toronto Zoo will be a dynamic and exciting action centre that inspires people to love, respect and protect wildlife and wild spaces.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Toronto Zoo
WCS Canada
720 Spadina Ave, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario
WCS Canada focuses on saving the best of the wild -- rich landscapes where wildlife conservation can be achieved at a large scale -- because others don't. Governments and industry give too little attention to the effect of cumulative impacts of development and climate change on ecosystems. WCS is drawing attention to the need to secure a natural legacy for future generations. We do field research on wildlife and share our results, and we provide advice on conservation policies and planning for protected areas.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of WCS Canada
World Animal Protection - Protection mondiale des animaux
90 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 960, Toronto, Ontario
We protect the world's animals. We always have done, and we always will. But every day, in every country, millions of animals are suffering. And the more people who know about our charity, the more animals we can reach. That's why we need our name to evolve. That's why we need a name that is clearer, more distinct and more memorable. That's why we are now World Animal Protection.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of World Animal Protection
World Wildlife Fund Canada Foundation - Fondation Du Fonds Mondial Pour La Nature Canada
245 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 410, Toronto, Ontario
The relentless commitment and passion of our people is one of WWF's greatest strengths. Our ambitious conservation vision and plans are driven by some of Canada's best minds in science, policy, business, and communication.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of World Wildlife Fund Canada Foundation